I want to make sure that I understand the data sheet correctly for this 4 bit counter.
The counter can be programmed to start up-counting from any value from the list (decimal): 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,15?
The RCO is asserted once the count word [Qd,Qc,Qb,Qa] = 0d9 or 0d15?
If I set the start value [D,C,B,A] = 0d0, and ENT and ENP both high (load is toggled to get the start value loaded and clock is continuously toggling), the counter will keep incrementing until it reaches 0d15? In the process it will issue 2 RCO pulses at count 0d9 and 0d15? After reaching 0d15 it will overflow and transition to 0d0?
Can someone please confirm if my understanding is correct?