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What is the Bandwidth of SN74AC241 Buffer ..??

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AC241, F28M35H52C


I am using SN74AC241 Buffer in my project. In the data sheet , i couldn't find the bandwidth of the Buffer. I mean, what is the maximum frequency of Input/output signlas...??

As per my specifications, Input signal is: 0V to 3.3V  Squarewave , frequency 2MHz maximum. I am not sure, whether selected buffer supports this frequnecy or not..?

Kindly let me know the bandwidth of SN74AC241 buffer.

Thanks & Regards,


  • Govind,

    A few MHz will typically work fine on our buffers without any special considerations. Please see the following FAQ:


    Hello Mr. James,

    Thanks for the answer. I have few more queries .

    1) In data sheet, Continuous output current, IO (VO = 0 to VCC) mentioned as ±50 mA. Is this value for  each channel  ?? or all channels together..??

    2) Transition time for output (Y) is not mentioned in datasheet. This value is needed to decide the PCB track length.

    3) Request you to let me know, what is the maximum capacitive load that can be driven by output (Y). As per my requirement, i am using nearly 1.5 meter cable between buffer & receiver (eQEP Module, F28M35H52C controller ).  Do you see any risk here..??


    Thanks & regards,


  • Govind,

    1) IO is the current for an individual channel. IOH and IOL in the recommended operatring conditions section should be the values used for the design. The spec "continuous current through VCC or ground" in the absolute maximum ratings section is the maximum total current capacity for the part.

    2) The transition time for the output is dependent on the capacitance load attached to the output. If you need a transition time, use the rated input transition time of the part to which the buffer will be connected.

    3) All our logic devices can physically drive any capacitive load that is placed on them. The capacitance of a long line will limit the speed that you can send your signal. This capacitance will also slow down the transition time of a signal. A cable of 1.5 meters might have low enough capacitance to meet the input transition requirement of the F28M35H52C, but I recommend testing the system just to be sure.