There's a product, that uses a couple of SN74AHC1G14, with a 3 volts VCC, I Think SN74AHC1G14 are being used kind of a buffer since is the interface between a serial comport and a MSP430FG47x, to the SIMO and SOMI pins.
So, pin P2.4/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO on the MSP430 is in "high state" (3 volts), but after a command (received through another SN74AHC1G14 to the UCA0SOMI pin @ the MSP430 ) goes to low (measuring milivolts with an oscilloscope) so the problem is that after that signal there is a SN74AHC1G14 (wiith Vcc 3 volts), and when UCA0SIMO is in high state the output @ SN74AHC1G14 is on low, but when UCA0SIMO switches to low (milivolts) SN74AHC1G14 remains always in low.
So, in order to verify it was working, we grounded input and switched, Also tried to apply external voltage to verify Vt+ and Vt- parameters and also switches ok @1.55 volts (aproximately), but somehow is not able to detect the "low state" coming from MSP430.
Do you have an idea what can be causing this?
Thanks :)