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When I completed the installation the SAFETI-HERCULES-DIAG-LIB-CSP,SafeTI-HALCoGen-CSP, and checked the doc folder.
I did not find the Safety-Related Application Conditions related documents, can you provide them separately?
Hi Zhanghong,
Some documents are copied to docs folder when the CSP is installed. What else do you need?
Hi, Wang
In EN50128 The use of pre-existing software shall be subject to the following restrictions.
c) For software safety integrity levels SIL 3 or SIL 4, the following precautions shall be taken:
- the verification and validation process shall ensure
1) that the pre-existing software fulfils the allocated requirements,
2) that failures of the pre-existing software are detected and the system where the pre-existing software is integrated into is protected from these failures,
3) that the assumptions about the environment of the pre-existing software are fulfilled.
The use of pre-existing software here is SAFETI sofeware.
I wonder if this environment of the pre-existing software is Assumptions and Constraints in Safety Manual of User's Guide, or something else?
HI ZhangYong,
Does your installation contain the documents mentioned in my prior message?
The software generated by HalCoGen is developed in a SIL3/ASILD certified process. There is a tab that indicates the possibility to choose to use a Safety Init for boot up. You can use the boot up files from the SafeTI Diagnostic Library.
The software generated by HalCoGen and the SafeTI Diagnostic Library are not certified. There are CSP packages available to help you in the creation of evidence of testing and suitability for functional safety use for your assessor.
Hi Wang,
My installation is the same as yours.
In the 2.4.0_LDRA_Less folder, contains a libs folder. If this libs are certified by TI. Means I can use this libs directly without having to unit test any more.
At the same time, are there separate safety-related application conditions files for these libs or source code which generated by HalCoGen? That's the first question I asked.
The HalCoGen and the SafeTI Diagnostic Library are not certified. Customer needs to certified their application code and HalCoGen generated code and SDL.