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AM2732: Phyaddr configuration in sysconfig

Part Number: AM2732
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


Customes wants to configure phyaddr, how to configure it in sysconfig? It is found through the code that CONFIG_ENET_CPSW0_PHY0_ADDR is defined in ti_drivers_config_h, which is generated by sysconfig, but the relevant configuration is not found in the sysconfig.

  • Hi Nancy,

    For the version : mcu_plus_sdk_am273x_08_03_00_18

    Go to project's example.syscfg >> Go to Enet (CPSW) >> The Phy Address added generates a code for CONFIG_ENET_CPSW0_PHY0_ADDR.

  • My syscfg interface is as follows. There is no cpsw. What is the problem?


     * These arguments were used when this file was generated. They will be automatically applied on subsequent loads
     * via the GUI or CLI. Run CLI with '--help' for additional information on how to override these arguments.
     * @cliArgs --device "AM273x" --package "ZCE" --part "Default" --context "r5fss0-0" --product "MCU_PLUS_SDK_AM273x.evmAM273x@08.02.00"
     * @versions {"tool":"1.11.0+2225"}
     * Import the modules used in this configuration.
    const flash      = scripting.addModule("/board/flash/flash", {}, false);
    const flash1     = flash.addInstance();
    const crc        = scripting.addModule("/drivers/crc/crc", {}, false);
    const crc1       = crc.addInstance();
    const edma       = scripting.addModule("/drivers/edma/edma", {}, false);
    const edma1      = edma.addInstance();
    const edma2      = edma.addInstance();
    const gpio       = scripting.addModule("/drivers/gpio/gpio", {}, false);
    const gpio1      = gpio.addInstance();
    const gpio2      = gpio.addInstance();
    const ipc        = scripting.addModule("/drivers/ipc/ipc");
    const mibspi     = scripting.addModule("/drivers/mibspi/mibspi", {}, false);
    const mibspi1    = mibspi.addInstance();
    const uart       = scripting.addModule("/drivers/uart/uart", {}, false);
    const uart1      = uart.addInstance();
    const uart2      = uart.addInstance();
    const debug_log  = scripting.addModule("/kernel/dpl/debug_log");
    const mpu_armv7  = scripting.addModule("/kernel/dpl/mpu_armv7", {}, false);
    const mpu_armv71 = mpu_armv7.addInstance();
    const mpu_armv72 = mpu_armv7.addInstance();
    const mpu_armv73 = mpu_armv7.addInstance();
    const mpu_armv74 = mpu_armv7.addInstance();
    const mpu_armv75 = mpu_armv7.addInstance();
    const mpu_armv76 = mpu_armv7.addInstance();
    const enet_cpsw  = scripting.addModule("/networking/enet_cpsw/enet_cpsw", {}, false);
    const enet_cpsw1 = enet_cpsw.addInstance();
     * Write custom configuration values to the imported modules.
    flash1.$name                  = "CONFIG_FLASH0";
    flash1.peripheralDriver.$name = "CONFIG_QSPI0";
    crc1.$name = "CONFIG_CRC0";
    edma2.$name                        = "CONFIG_EDMA1";
    edma2.instance                     = "EDMA_MSS_A";
    flash1.peripheralDriver.edmaConfig = edma2;
    edma2.edmaRmDmaCh[0].resourceType  = scripting.forceWrite("ownDmaCh");
    edma2.edmaRmDmaCh[0].$name         = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM5";
    edma2.edmaRmQdmaCh[0].$name        = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM6";
    edma2.edmaRmTcc[0].$name           = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM7";
    edma2.edmaRmParam[0].$name         = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM8";
    edma2.edmaRmReservedDmaCh[0].$name = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM9";
    gpio1.pinDir                    = "OUTPUT";
    gpio1.$name                     = "GPIO_NRESET_FE1";
    gpio1.instance                  = "RCSS_GPIO";
    gpio1.RCSS_GPIO.$assign         = "RCSS_GPIO0";
    gpio1.RCSS_GPIO.gpioPin.$assign = "ball.B15";
    gpio2.$name                     = "GPIO_HOSTIRQ";
    gpio2.instance                  = "RCSS_GPIO";
    gpio2.RCSS_GPIO.$assign         = "RCSS_GPIO0";
    gpio2.RCSS_GPIO.gpioPin.$assign = "ball.U18";
    ipc.vringNumBuf  = 1;
    ipc.vringMsgSize = 1152;
    mibspi1.$name                             = "CONFIG_MIBSPI0";
    mibspi1.bitRate                           = 1000000;
    mibspi1.t2cDelay                          = 0x8;
    mibspi1.c2tDelay                          = 0x8;
    mibspi1.wDelay                            = 0x10;
    mibspi1.frameFormat                       = "POL0_PHA1";
    mibspi1.instance                          = "RCSS_MIBSPIA";
    mibspi1.mibspiChannel[0].$name            = "CONFIG_MIBSPI_CH0";
    mibspi1.mibspiChannel[0].RCSS_CSn.$assign = "ball.T19";
    mibspi1.RCSS_MIBSPI.$assign               = "RCSS_MIBSPIA";
    mibspi1.RCSS_MIBSPI.CLK.$assign           = "ball.T18";
    mibspi1.RCSS_MIBSPI.MISO.$assign          = "ball.R17";
    mibspi1.RCSS_MIBSPI.MOSI.$assign          = "ball.R18";
    uart1.$name               = "CONFIG_UART1";
    uart1.baudRate            = 892857;
    uart1.intrEnable          = "DISABLE";
    uart1.MSS_UART.$assign    = "MSS_UARTB";
    uart1.MSS_UART.RX.$used   = false;
    uart1.MSS_UART.TX.$assign = "ball.V9";
    uart2.$name               = "CONFIG_UART0";
    uart2.MSS_UART.$assign    = "MSS_UARTA";
    uart2.MSS_UART.RX.$assign = "ball.U3";
    uart2.MSS_UART.TX.$assign = "ball.W2";
    edma1.$name                             = "CONFIG_EDMA0";
    mibspi1.edmaConfig                      = edma1;
    uart2.edmaConfig                        = edma1;
    uart1.edmaConfig                        = edma1;
    edma1.edmaRmDmaCh[0].$name              = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM0";
    edma1.edmaRmDmaCh[0].startIndex         = 0;
    edma1.edmaRmDmaCh[0].endIndex           = 32;
    edma1.edmaRmQdmaCh[0].$name             = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM1";
    edma1.edmaRmTcc[0].$name                = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM2";
    edma1.edmaRmTcc[0].startIndex           = 0;
    edma1.edmaRmTcc[0].endIndex             = 32;
    edma1.edmaRmParam[0].$name              = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM3";
    edma1.edmaRmReservedDmaCh[0].$name      = "CONFIG_EDMA_RM4";
    edma1.edmaRmReservedDmaCh[0].startIndex = 0;
    edma1.edmaRmReservedDmaCh[0].endIndex   = 11;
    debug_log.enableLogZoneWarning = false;
    debug_log.enableLogZoneError   = false;
    mpu_armv71.$name        = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION0";
    mpu_armv71.attributes   = "Device";
    mpu_armv71.allowExecute = false;
    mpu_armv72.$name = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION1";
    mpu_armv72.size  = 14;
    mpu_armv73.$name    = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION2";
    mpu_armv73.baseAddr = 0x80000;
    mpu_armv73.size     = 14;
    mpu_armv74.$name    = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION3";
    mpu_armv74.baseAddr = 0x10200000;
    mpu_armv74.size     = 20;
    mpu_armv75.$name        = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION4";
    mpu_armv75.attributes   = "NonCached";
    mpu_armv75.allowExecute = false;
    mpu_armv75.size         = 14;
    mpu_armv75.baseAddr     = 0x102E4000;
    mpu_armv76.$name        = "CONFIG_MPU_REGION5";
    mpu_armv76.baseAddr     = 0x88000000;
    mpu_armv76.size         = 20;
    mpu_armv76.attributes   = "NonCached";
    mpu_armv76.allowExecute = false;
    enet_cpsw1.$name                 = "CONFIG_ENET_CPSW0";
    enet_cpsw1.phyToMacInterfaceMode = "MSS_RGMII";
    enet_cpsw1.phyAddr1              = 0;
     * Pinmux solution for unlocked pins/peripherals. This ensures that minor changes to the automatic solver in a future
     * version of the tool will not impact the pinmux you originally saw.  These lines can be completely deleted in order to
     * re-solve from scratch.
    flash1.peripheralDriver.MSS_QSPI["0"].$suggestSolution = "ball.C2";
    flash1.peripheralDriver.MSS_QSPI["1"].$suggestSolution = "ball.D2";
    flash1.peripheralDriver.MSS_QSPI["2"].$suggestSolution = "ball.D1";
    flash1.peripheralDriver.MSS_QSPI["3"].$suggestSolution = "ball.E2";
    flash1.peripheralDriver.MSS_QSPI.$suggestSolution      = "MSS_QSPI0";
    flash1.peripheralDriver.MSS_QSPI.CLK.$suggestSolution  = "ball.E1";
    flash1.peripheralDriver.MSS_QSPI.CS.$suggestSolution   = "ball.F2";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_MDIO.$suggestSolution                   = "MSS_MDIO0";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_MDIO.DATA.$suggestSolution              = "ball.P19";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_MDIO.CLK.$suggestSolution               = "ball.R19";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.$suggestSolution                  = "MSS_RGMII0";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.RD0.$suggestSolution              = "ball.P18";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.RD1.$suggestSolution              = "ball.N19";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.RD2.$suggestSolution              = "ball.M18";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.RD3.$suggestSolution              = "ball.L19";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.RCTL.$suggestSolution             = "ball.J17";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.RCLK.$suggestSolution             = "ball.M19";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.TD0.$suggestSolution              = "ball.L18";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.TD1.$suggestSolution              = "ball.L17";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.TD2.$suggestSolution              = "ball.K16";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.TD3.$suggestSolution              = "ball.K18";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.TCTL.$suggestSolution             = "ball.J18";
    enet_cpsw1.MSS_RGMII.TCLK.$suggestSolution             = "ball.K19";
  • Hello Qing,

    Are you using the latest version of the SDK? mcu_plus_sdk_am273x_08_03_00_18

    const enet_cpsw = scripting.addModule("/networking/enet_cpsw/enet_cpsw", {}, false); const enet_cpsw1 = enet_cpsw.addInstance();

    The two lines quoted above show the syscfg instantiation of enet_cpsw (CPSW).

    Best Regards,

    Zackary Fleenor