Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA, EK-TM4C1294XL, EK-TM4C123GXL, BOOSTXL-EDUMKII
Hi team,
Our customer is requesting assistance:
I did not want to have to ask TI for help as I know that they do not support DRM style coding, but after consideration, I do not think that this counts as DRM. I am attempting to code the LCD screen on said board using header 1 of my TM4C129EXL. I found code online for how to do this using the TM4C123 and am porting it over to my MCU. If I could have help seeing where I am going wrong, I would appreciate it. I did post this issue to stack overflow as well but am not getting an answer there: c - TM4C129EXL and BOOSTXL-EDUMKII having some LCD issues - Stack Overflow . I am attaching my code as well as the code I am using as a model (ST7735.c).
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "LCD_Defines.h" void static writeCMD(uint8_t c){ TFT_CS = TFT_CS_LOW; DC = DC_COMMAND; SSI2[SSI_DR] = c; while ((SSI2[SSI_SR] & 0x10) == 0x10){}; } void static writeData(uint8_t c){ while ((SSI2[SSI_SR] & 0x02) == 0){}; DC = DC_COMMAND; SSI2[SSI_DR] = c; } void static deselect(void){ while ((SSI2[SSI_SR] & 0x10) == 0x10){}; TFT_CS = TFT_CS_HIGH; } void static setAddr(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1){ writeCMD(CASET); writeData(0x00); writeData(x0+ColStart); writeData(0x00); writeData(x1+ColStart); writeCMD(RASET); writeData(0x00); writeData(y0+RowStart); writeData(0x00); writeData(y1+RowStart); writeCMD(RAMWR); } void static commandList(const uint8_t *addr){ uint8_t numCommand, numArgs; uint16_t ms; numCommand = *(addr++); while (numCommand--){ writeCMD(*(addr++)); numArgs = *(addr++); ms = numArgs & DELAY; numArgs &= ~DELAY; while (numArgs--) writeData(*(addr++)); if (ms){ ms = *(addr++); ms = (ms == 255) ? 500:ms; for (int i = 0; i < ms; i++) while((SysTick[STCTRL] & 0x10000) == 0){} } } } void setCursor(uint32_t newX, uint32_t newY){ if((newX > 20) || (newY > 12)) return; StX = newX; StY = newY; } void fillScreen(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color){ uint8_t hi = color >> 8, lo = color; if((x >= width) || (y >= height)) return; if((x + w - 1) >= width) w = width - x; if((y + h - 1) >= height) h = height - y; setAddr(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1); for(y=h; y>0; y--){ for(x=w; x>0; x--){ writeData(hi); writeData(lo); } } deselect(); } void static commonInit(const uint8_t *cmdList){ ColStart = RowStart = 0; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO] |= SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_PORTD; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO] |= SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_PORTH; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO] |= SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_PORTL; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO] |= SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_PORTN; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO] |= SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_PORTD; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO] |= SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_PORTH; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO] |= SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_PORTL; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO] |= SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_PORTN; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RCGCSSI] |= 0x4; while ((SYSCTL[SYSCTL_PRSSI] & 0x4) == 0){}; GPIO_PORTD[GPIO_FSEL] |= 0xA; GPIO_PORTD[GPIO_PCTL] |= 0xF0F0; GPIO_PORTD[GPIO_DEN] |= SPICl; GPIO_PORTD[GPIO_DEN] |= SPIMOSI; GPIO_PORTH[GPIO_DEN] |= SPIRST; GPIO_PORTL[GPIO_DEN] |= SPIREG; GPIO_PORTN[GPIO_DEN] |= SPICS; GPIO_PORTH[GPIO_DIR] |= SPIRST; GPIO_PORTL[GPIO_DIR] |= SPIREG; GPIO_PORTN[GPIO_DIR] |= SPICS; TFT_CS = TFT_CS_LOW; while ((SYSCTL[SYSCTL_SRSSI] & 0x4) == 1){ RESET = RESET_HIGH; for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) while((SysTick[STCTRL] & 0x10000) == 0){} RESET = RESET_LOW; for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) while((SysTick[STCTRL] & 0x10000) == 0){} RESET = RESET_HIGH; for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) while((SysTick[STCTRL] & 0x10000) == 0){} } SYSCTL[SYSCTL_SRSSI] &= ~0x4; SSI2[SSI_CR1] &= ~0x2; SSI2[SSI_CR1] &= ~0x4; SSI2[SSI_CC] &= ~0xF; SSI2[SSI_PS] = 30; SSI2[SSI_CR0] &= ~(0xFF00 | 0x80 | 0x40); SSI2[SSI_CR0] &= ~0x30; SSI2[SSI_CR0] = 0x7; SSI2[SSI_CR1] |= 0x2; if (cmdList) commandList(cmdList); } void static initS(enum initSFlags option){ commonInit(Scmd1); if (option == INITS_GREENTAB){ commandList(Scmd2green); ColStart = 2; RowStart = 3; }else commandList(Scmd2red); commandList(Scmd3); if (option == INITS_BLACKTAB) { writeCMD(MADCTL); writeData(0xC0); } TabColor = option; setCursor(0,0); StTextColor = YELLOW; fillScreen(0,0,width,height,0); } void static pushColor(uint16_t color){ writeData((uint8_t)(color >> 8)); writeData((uint8_t)color); } void drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color){ if (x < 0 || x >= width || y < 0 || y >= height) return; setAddr(x,y,x,y); pushColor(color); deselect(); } void drawVert(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color) { uint8_t hi = color >> 8, lo = color; if(x >= width || y >= height) return; if((y+h-1) >= height) h = height-y; setAddr(x, y, x, y+h-1); while (h--) { writeData(hi); writeData(lo); } deselect(); } void drawHor(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, uint16_t color) { uint8_t hi = color >> 8, lo = color; if((x >= width) || (y >= height)) return; if((x+w-1) >= width) w = width-x; setAddr(x, y, x+w-1, y); while (w--) { writeData(hi); writeData(lo); } deselect(); } uint16_t color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return ((b & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | (r >> 3); } uint16_t swapColor(uint16_t x) { return (x << 11) | (x & 0x07E0) | (x >> 11); } void drawBMP(int16_t x, int16_t y, const uint16_t *image, int16_t w, int16_t h){ int16_t skipC = 0; int16_t originalWidth = w; int i = w*(h - 1); if((x >= width) || ((y - h + 1) >= height) || ((x + w) <= 0) || (y < 0)) return; if (w > width || h > height) return; if((x + w - 1) >= width){ skipC = (x + w) - width; w = width - x; } if((y - h + 1) < 0){ i -= (h - y - 1)*originalWidth; h = y + 1; } if(x < 0){ w += x; skipC = -1*x; i -= x; x = 0; } if(y >= height){ h -= (y - height + 1); y = height - 1; } setAddr(x, y-h+1, x+w-1, y); for(y=0; y<h; y++){ for(x=0; x<w; x++){ writeData((uint8_t)(image[i] >> 8)); writeData((uint8_t)image[i]); i++; } i += skipC; i -= 2*originalWidth; } deselect(); } void drawChar(int16_t x, int16_t y, char c, int16_t textColor, int16_t bgColor, uint8_t size){ uint8_t line; int32_t col, row, i, j; if(((x + 6*size - 1) >= width) || ((y + 8*size - 1) >= height) || ((x + 6*size - 1) < 0) || ((y + 8*size - 1) < 0)) return; setAddr(x, y, x+6*size-1, y+8*size-1); line = 0x1; for(row=0; row<8; row++){ for(i=0; i<size; i++){ for(col=0; col<5; col++){ if(Font[(c*5)+col]&line){ for(j=0; j<size; j++) pushColor(textColor); }else{ for(j=0; j<size; j++) pushColor(bgColor); } } for(j=0; j<size; j++) pushColor(bgColor); } line <<= 1; } deselect(); } uint32_t drawString(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char *pt, int16_t textColor){ uint32_t count = 0; if(y>12) return 0; while(*pt){ drawChar(x*6, y*10, *pt, textColor, BLACK, 1); pt++; x++; if(x>20) return count; count++; } return count; } void fillMessage(uint32_t n){ if(n >= 10){ fillMessage(n/10); n %= 10; } Message[Messageindex] = (n+'0'); if(Messageindex<11) Messageindex++; } void fillMessage4(uint32_t n){ if(n>9999) n=9999; if(n>=1000) Messageindex = 0; else if(n>=100){ Message[0] = ' '; Messageindex = 1; }else if(n>=10){ Message[0] = ' '; Message[1] = ' '; Messageindex = 2; }else{ Message[0] = ' '; Message[1] = ' '; Message[2] = ' '; Messageindex = 3; } fillMessage(n); } void fillMessage5(uint32_t n){ if(n>99999) n=99999; if(n>=10000) Messageindex = 0; else if(n>=1000){ Message[0] = ' '; Messageindex = 1; }else if(n>=100){ Message[0] = ' '; Message[1] = ' '; Messageindex = 2; }else if(n>=10){ Message[0] = ' '; Message[1] = ' '; Message[2] = ' '; Messageindex = 3; }else{ Message[0] = ' '; Message[1] = ' '; Message[2] = ' '; Message[3] = ' '; Messageindex = 4; } fillMessage(n); } void static fillMessage2_10(uint32_t n){ if(n>999) n=999; if(n>=100){ Message[0] = (n/100+'0'); n %= 100; }else Message[0] = ' '; Message[1] = (n/10+'0'); n %= 10; Message[2] = '.'; Message[3] = (n+'0'); Message[4] = 0; } void static fillMessage2_Hex(uint32_t n){ char digit; if(n>255){ Message[0] = '*'; Message[1] = '*'; }else{ digit = n/16; if(digit<10) digit += '0'; else digit = digit+'A'-10; Message[0] = digit; digit = n%16; if(digit<10) digit += '0'; else digit += 'A'-10; Message[1] = digit; } Message[2] = ','; Message[3] = 0; } void outUDec(uint32_t n, int16_t textColor){ Messageindex = 0; fillMessage(n); Message[Messageindex] = 0; drawString(StX,StY,Message,textColor); StX += Messageindex; if(StX>20){ StX = 20; drawChar(StX*6,StY*10,'*',RED,BLACK, 1); } } void outUDec4(uint32_t n, int16_t textColor){ Messageindex = 0; fillMessage4(n); Message[Messageindex] = 0; drawString(StX,StY,Message,textColor); StX += Messageindex; if(StX>20){ StX = 20; drawChar(StX*6,StY*10,'*',RED,BLACK, 1); } } void outUDec5(uint32_t n, int16_t textColor){ Messageindex = 0; fillMessage5(n); Message[Messageindex] = 0; drawString(StX,StY,Message,textColor); StX += Messageindex; if(StX>20){ StX = 20; drawChar(StX*6,StY*10,'*',RED,BLACK, 1); } } void outUFix2_10(uint32_t n, int16_t textColor){ fillMessage2_10(n); drawString(StX,StY,Message,textColor); StX += 4; if(StX>20){ StX = 20; drawChar(StX*6,StY*10,'*',RED,BLACK, 1); } } void outUHex2(uint32_t n, int16_t textColor){ fillMessage2_Hex(n); drawString(StX,StY,Message,textColor); StX += 3; if(StX>20){ StX = 20; drawChar(StX*6,StY*10,'*',RED,BLACK, 1); } } void drawAxes(uint16_t axisColor, uint16_t bgColor, char *xLabel, char *yLabel1, uint16_t label1Color, char *yLabel2, uint16_t label2Color, int32_t ymax, int32_t ymin){ int i; Ymax = ymax; Ymin = ymin; Yrange = Ymax - Ymin; TimeIndex = 0; PlotBGColor = bgColor; fillScreen(0, 17, 111, 111, bgColor); drawHor(10, 117, 101, axisColor); drawVert(10, 17, 101, axisColor); for(i=20; i<=110; i=i+10) drawPixel(i, 118, axisColor); for(i=17; i<117; i=i+10) drawPixel(9, i, axisColor); i = 50; while((*xLabel) && (i < 100)){ drawChar(i, 120, *xLabel, axisColor, bgColor, 1); i += 6; xLabel++; } if(*yLabel2){ i = 26; while((*yLabel2) && (i < 50)){ drawChar(0, i, *yLabel2, label2Color, bgColor, 1); i = i + 8; yLabel2++; } i = 82; }else i = 42; while((*yLabel1) && (i < 120)){ drawChar(0, i, *yLabel1, label1Color, bgColor, 1); i += 8; yLabel1++; } } void plotPoint(int32_t data1, uint16_t color1){ data1 = ((data1 - Ymin)*100)/Yrange; if(data1 > 98){ data1 = 98; color1 = RED; } if(data1 < 0){ data1 = 0; color1 = RED; } drawPixel(TimeIndex + 11, 116 - data1, color1); drawPixel(TimeIndex + 11, 115 - data1, color1); } void plotInc(void){ TimeIndex++; if(TimeIndex > 99){ TimeIndex = 0; } drawVert(TimeIndex + 11, 17, 100, PlotBGColor); } void pll(void){ uint32_t tmp; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_MOSCCTL] &= ~(SYSCTL_MOSCCTL_NOXTAL | SYSCTL_MOSCCTL_PWRDN); if (!(SYSCTL[SYSCTL_MOSCCTL] & SYSCTL_MOSCCTL_OSCRNG)){ SYSCTL[SYSCTL_MOSCCTL] |= SYSCTL_MOSCCTL_OSCRNG; while (!(SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RIS] & SYSCTL_RIS_MOSCPUPRIS)); } SYSCTL[SYSCTL_MISC] = SYSCTL_MISC_MOSCPUMIS; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG] |= SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG_OSCSRC_MOSC | SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG_PLLSRC_MOSC; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_PLLFREQ0] = (96 << SYSCTL_PLLFREQ0_MINT_S) | (0 << SYSCTL_PLLFREQ0_MFRAC_S); SYSCTL[SYSCTL_PLLFREQ1] = 4; tmp = SYSCTL[SYSCTL_MEMTIM0]; tmp &= ~(SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_EBCHT_M | SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_EWS_M | SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_EBCE); tmp |= SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_FBCHT_3_5 | SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_EWS_6; tmp &= ~(SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_FBCHT_M | SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_FWS_M | SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_FBCE); tmp |= SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_FBCHT_3_5| SYSCTL_MEMTIM0_FWS_6; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_MEMTIM0] = tmp; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_PLLFREQ0] |= SYSCTL_PLLFREQ0_PLLPWR; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG] |= SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG_NEWFREQ; while (!SYSCTL[SYSCTL_PLLSTAT]); tmp = SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG]; tmp = (tmp & ~SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG_PSYSDIV_M) | SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG_PSYSDIV_3; tmp |= SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG_USEPLL | SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG_MEMTIMU; SYSCTL[SYSCTL_RSCLKCFG] = tmp; } void main(void) { pll(); SysTick[STCTRL] = 0; SysTick[STCURRENT] = 0; SysTick[STRELOAD] = 0x1D4BF; SysTick[STCTRL] = 0x5; initS(INITS_GREENTAB); while(true){ } }
Thank you,