Hi Team,
Here's an issue from the customer may need your help:
I want to know if it is possible for the following case.
1. set I2C be controller mode with 400k and do communication with a target device.
2. after finishing, do
DL_I2C_disablePower(I2C_INST) DL_I2C_disableController(I2C_INST); DL_SYSCTL_setPowerPolicySTANDBY0(); __WFI(); //wak up from GPIO DL_SYSCTL_setPowerPolicyRUN0SLEEP0(); DL_I2C_ensablePower(I2C_INST) DL_I2C_enableController(I2C_INST);
It seems that it doesn't work correctly. How can I reinit after wakeup?
Thanks & Regards