Hello there. I just received my board yesterday and have been following the exercises on the TM4C123G_LaunchPad_Workshop_Workbook. I downloaded the LM Flash Programmer_1613, SW-EK-TM4C123GXL- and CCSTheia1.2.0.00007_win64.
I have no problem establishing a connection using PuTTY. The example worked. However, when I tried launching CCS Theia, I got the warning: NO compatible board detected - please connect your board. Tried a few options like connecting to the device port while switching the toggle to device, connecting both the device and debug port and switch the toggle etc. Still not detecting my board.
Is this because of the CCS Theia? When I look at examples people are using the CCS instead of the one with Theia. If not, what are the possible causes? Please advice.
Thank you.
N.B Someone also has a similar problem and it's found on reddit.https://www.reddit.com/r/embedded/comments/15sxa1y/any_recommended_ide_for_using_the_tm4c123g/. Tried the method mentioned in the comment section but not working.