Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN
I am trying to use the FreeRTOS methods from Halcogen.
I am using Halcogen v04 07 01. I started with the project for Free RTOS : TMS570LS0714PGE_FREERTOS.
I have left settings related to RTOS unchanged. I am running the code based on the example_freeRTOSBlinky.c.
I have 2 tasks, both should toggle leds. The tasks are using vTaskDelay(xTimeInTicks);.
I have started the scheduler.
The issue I see is that vTaskDelay is not working - it does not yield from the task. The high priority task runs all the time. The lower priority task never runs.
I think this is something to do with the interrupts for the RTI compare, or possibly SPV interrupt.
Please help.