I am thinking about a capacitor-operated time delay relay and want to minimize the power consumption by waking up every second, take an ADC reading or two, and going back to processor at "standby" (only timer clock is operating). Does it make sense to set a different sleep policy (just stop, not the deeper standby) when the timer interrupt has done its thing but is still awaiting the ADC completion?
That is,
DL_SYSCTL_setPowerPolicy(STANDBY0); WFE(); and DL_SYSCtl_setPowerPolicy(STOP0); WFE(); (depending on circumstances, like if (WaitingForADC)...and being very careful about race conditions and critical sections.)
or does the embedded example work, where the timer publishes an event that causes the ADC to convert and this actually works from a "STANDBY" mode where the ADC clock isn't operating.
or does it make more sense to do a little housekeeping in the timer interrupt at full power and wait therein for the ADC interrupt to finish.
My interest here is *reasonable* power efficiency, under 100uA or so.in the average sense.