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MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X: assignment of projects to individual cores in the system project menu

Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X

Hi everyone,

I'm making an application that should use multiple cores.
I loaded the 4 empty projects as illustrated in the following guide,

but not when I create the system project, the core projects don't appear and I can't assign it to individual cores.

Instead, if I use the right button (NEW, aside of the blu line), I create a new project and this is displayed and I can assign to the cores (see figure above).

How can I do so that I can assign projects to individual cores?

thank you.

  • Hello Andrea,

    It doesn't look like you've built your Application project. I believe that the individual projects should be built to generate output files, linker files etc. before it can be selected for the system project. Can you try building that project and checking the system project again?

    Best Regards,

    Ralph Jacobi

  • Hi Ralph and thanks for your reply,

    in reality project one (see the figure below) is the one I manage to build and generate the linker and .out files, and this does not appear in the list to be associated with the cores.
    However, I cannot build the project (2  figure below) created with the new button (it was a test, I don't need it), but nevertheless it is present in the list as shown below.


  • Hi Ralph,

    somehow I managed to understand the problem, when I generated the file system I chose the board with AM263X_CC, when instead the projects I loaded were generated with the AM263X configuration.
    Now the projects appear in the list and I can associate them with the individual cores.