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TMDS243EVM: PCIE: RC read EP Bar info stuck. 243EVM+Intel FPGA

Part Number: TMDS243EVM


Hi Ti Expert,

   I'm trying to use 243EVM as RC and Intel FPGA as EP.


   I can successfully read the Device ID and Vendor ID of the EP. Following the example C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_09_00_00_35\examples\drivers\pcie\pcie_buf_transfer\pcie_buf_transfer_rc

   And I add the following Bar Configure function. Following the post:  PCIe link up c6678 - Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums

int32_t pcie_fpga_ep_bar1_cfg(Pcie_Handle handle)
int32_t status = SystemP_SUCCESS;
Pcie_BarCfg barCfg;

barCfg.location = PCIE_LOCATION_REMOTE;
barCfg.mode = PCIE_EP_MODE;
barCfg.base = 0x70000000;
barCfg.prefetch = PCIE_BAR_NON_PREF;
barCfg.type = PCIE_BAR_TYPE32;
barCfg.memSpace = PCIE_BAR_MEM_MEM;
barCfg.idx = 0;//1;

status = Pcie_cfgBar (handle, &barCfg);

//DebugP_assert(SystemP_SUCCESS == status);

if (SystemP_SUCCESS != status)
DebugP_log("FPGA Bar1 configure fail\r\n");
DebugP_log("FPGA Bar1 configure done\r\n");

return status;

This picture is the configure of FPGA and my Outbound.

My program always stuck here in Pcie_readRegs():


please help me about it.

