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I want to do SPI read and write with Texas MSPM0G1106 IC.
First of all, I have done SPI read and write with another MCU before. Here is the codes.
unsigned char MFRC522_SPIreceive(unsigned char address_rcv) { SPI_receive_address= (((address_rcv<<1)&0x7E) | 0x80); SPI_NSS= 0; SPI_WRITE_TX(SPI0, SPI_receive_address); while(SPI_IS_BUSY(SPI0)); SPI_ClearRxFIFO(SPI0); SPI_WRITE_TX(SPI0, DUMMY); while(SPI_IS_BUSY(SPI0)); SPI_Received_data = SPI_READ_RX(SPI0); SPI_NSS= 1; return SPI_Received_data; }
When I look at the debug of MCU, I can see the values I want. But when I look at the debug of Texas, I read 0xFF. Normally I should read 0x3F.
(In the picture below you can see the image taken from Logic Analayzer).
SPI Init
SPI Settings
SPI Settings
SYSCONFIG_WEAK void SYSCFG_DL_SPI_0_init(void) { DL_SPI_setClockConfig(SPI_0_INST, (DL_SPI_ClockConfig *) &gSPI_0_clockConfig); DL_SPI_init(SPI_0_INST, (DL_SPI_Config *) &gSPI_0_config); /* Configure Controller mode */ /* * Set the bit rate clock divider to generate the serial output clock * outputBitRate = (spiInputClock) / ((1 + SCR) * 2) * 400000 = (16000000)/((1 + 19) * 2) */ DL_SPI_setBitRateSerialClockDivider(SPI_0_INST, 19); /* Set RX and TX FIFO threshold levels */ DL_SPI_setFIFOThreshold(SPI_0_INST, DL_SPI_RX_FIFO_LEVEL_1_2_FULL, DL_SPI_TX_FIFO_LEVEL_1_2_EMPTY); /* Enable module */ DL_SPI_enable(SPI_0_INST); }
SPI Init Code
IC Pins
Config etc. settings are as in the pictures.
The code I use is as follows.
unsigned char MFRC522_SPIreceive(uint8_t address_rcv) { uint8_t SPI_receive_address = (((address_rcv << 1) & 0x7E) | 0x80); //MFRC_NSS_OFF; DL_SPI_transmitData8(SPI_0_INST, SPI_receive_address); delay_cycles(500); while (DL_SPI_isBusy(SPI_0_INST)); DL_SPI_transmitData8(SPI_0_INST, DUMMY); delay_cycles(500); while (DL_SPI_isBusy(SPI_0_INST)); SPI_Received_data= DL_SPI_receiveData8(SPI_0_INST); //MFRC_NSS_ON; return SPI_Received_data; }
Main code
MFRC522_SPIreceive(0x11); delay_cycles(500);
Do I have a mistake in the reading code? If so, how can I fix it?
Thank you in advanced.