Please tell me how to use SysConfig to set the initial value (High or Low) of a pin set as an output with GPIO.
Is it not possible to set it with SysConfig?
I set the initial value.
Hiroshi Yamada
Please tell me how to use SysConfig to set the initial value (High or Low) of a pin set as an output with GPIO.
Is it not possible to set it with SysConfig?
I set the initial value.
Hiroshi Yamada
Hello Hiroshi,
There is a drop down for the initial value as seen below. You can change it to set. After changing it, you can double check dl_config.c then you should also see the API being called to set the pin.
Hi JD-san,
Thank you for your advice.
I knew that you could set the initial value.
I don't have enough knowledge, but I don't know if the value when set is "0" or "1".
I would like to know how to set "0" or "1". I'm sorry for asking a similar question.
Hiroshi Yamada
Hello Hiroshi,
Set = the pin will Output it's 'high' voltage, which is VCC. Usually ~3.3V.
Clear = the pin will output it's low voltage, which is VDD/GND.
Hope this helps.
Hi JD-san,
Thank you for your comment.
I fully understand it now.
This will speed up development! It was very helpful.
Best regards,
Hiroshi Yamada