1 How is the availability for the PGE package, when is the expected release date?
2 Their data sheets do not show any difference regarding their pin out of 144 PGE package. Is it true or an error?
3 For the N2HET module, can it support 3 32 bits counter simutanuously? Since in the reference manual, I got 7 bit hardware counters(up to 8 I think), but 2 25bit vertual counter, is the number per channel or overall? If overall, that means only 2 32bits counter can be supported. Is it right?
4 For MIBSPI and I2C, I2C is shared pinout with MIBSPI3CS[2] and MIBSPI3CS[3](also N2HET or GPIO). However in the reference manual, SPI Pin Control Register 0 (SPIPC0), bit 7-0 define it as SPI or GPIO. In the I2C Pin Function Register (I2CPFNC), bit 0 defines its I2C or GPIO. There may be similar defination in N2HET. So which one takes the priority. We need to use MIBSPI, but one CS is ok, also we need I2C. Is it possible on the 144 PGE package?