Is there a I2C library to connect 16x2 LCD to Tiva C TM4C123G using Energia?
For Arduino it is called : LiquidChrystal_I2C
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Is there a I2C library to connect 16x2 LCD to Tiva C TM4C123G using Energia?
For Arduino it is called : LiquidChrystal_I2C
Here you can find out a general C I2C library to be used, but is not specifically designed to LCD. You may search/ask for such library either on Energia site, either on this: As I remember there is an library for I2C for Energia, but again, I do not know if it is also for LCD. But a thread about LCD display of coarse there is, again I do not know if it is based on I2C.
Then all you have to do is to find out some good, traditional LCD routines and to replace the low level write with I2C versions.
Can you disclose the type of LCD you use?
EDIT: this thread reports some success - at least you have a starting point:
I am trying to use the same display, I am using with Arduino.
It is like this:
The library mentioned in your last msg is not working for Tiva C , it is probably for msp430 ??
Many compiler errors, something like the last msg in that thread.
I am sure somebody has solved this very basic problem, connecting common I2C LCD to Tiva C .