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Tiva launchpad & RTOS


I am new to Tiva series of Cotex development boards, appreciate if someone answers to my queries.

1. From documentation I see there is in-built debugging hardware support on board which means I don't have to buy any external debugging tool for single step debugging rather the same could be achieved through USB cable which acts as both power supply and debug interface with CCS?

2. I don't see much information on support for FreeRTOS but I believe TI-RTOS can be ported on Tiva board ?

3. Sensor booster pack can be plugged in over Tiva launch pad ?

4.  Off topic but how does one compare which RTOS is best, I know the latency of servicing interrupts would be important activity but I think there is also many consideration for evaluating RTOS, any information on this area would be helpful.


  • Raj P said:
    1. From documentation I see there is in-built debugging hardware support on board which means I don't have to buy

     If you plan to use a LaunchPAD nothing than installing CCS and USB device drivers are needed.

    Raj P said:
    2. I don't see much information on support for FreeRTOS but I believe TI-RTOS can be ported on Tiva board ?

     One or more FreeRTOS developer is/are here and can answer question to users.

     TIRTOS is supported here and on his related forum.

    Raj P said:
    3. Sensor booster pack can be plugged in over Tiva launch pad ?

     Yes, support is in package TIVAWare

    Raj P said:
    , any information on this area would be helpful.

     About RTOS choice and interrupt latency depend on your application too. No information about cannot fit answer at best. If you wish more and detailed/tailored information please provide more information on what you need or have intention do do with.

  • Roberto Romano said:
    FreeRTOS developer is/are here


    Roberto Romano said:
    wish more and detailed/tailored information

    Quotes (above) "off the charts" in "zeroing in" on the issue via such, "doubled word-play."  (does not work so well before a jury (i.e. when spoken) but such, (clarity boost) "jumps from the page" when read...)

    Intern #1: "Hey boss - Roberto's always got good advice - but look @ the emphasis/expansion of his points..."

    boss: "Roberto rocks - both with post content & sentence structure here - great to see..."