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the pins diagram of TMS570LS43x


I'm a newbee about this launchpad. At recently, I'm really confused about the pins in the launchpad.

Hope for answers

1. As it shows, there are GIOA[0] and GIOA[7] but not GIOA[4]

2. I think that a pin should have many different type of use, but the picture shows that a pin have at most 3.

3. What's the meaning of "BoosterPack Standard"?

4. Why I deal with N2HET1[16] using "pwmSetSignal(hetRAM1, 16, signal);" but the third pin in the right didn't change while the GIOA[5] oupout high.

  • user4178447,

    I will answer a little out of order because I think q. 3 is first.

    user4178447 said:
    3. What's the meaning of "BoosterPack Standard"?

    TI makes launchpads for all it's microcontrollers,  MSP430, C2000, TIVA-C, Hercules.
    The products are different but the idea of the booster pack is to standardize on signals for add-on boards.
    For example a board that adds an SDCARD would be nice if you could use it with MSP432 and TIVA-C without redesigning it.



    user4178447 said:
    1. As it shows, there are GIOA[0] and GIOA[7] but not GIOA[4]

    You need to look at the schematics to see where is GIOA[4].  The booster pack standard is designed to accomodate small pin count devices and when you get to the 337 pin TMS570

    We have MANY more pins than fit on booster pack.   So a lot of the left over signals go to the sides of the board on the prototype rows or to the low profile connectors where the EMIF is available.

    user4178447 said:
    2. I think that a pin should have many different type of use, but the picture shows that a pin have at most 3.

    Space is very limited on this page, so we only list the pin functions that match the booster pack usage.   But look at the schematic for the ultimate answer.

    user4178447 said:
    4. Why I deal with N2HET1[16] using "pwmSetSignal(hetRAM1, 16, signal);" but the third pin in the right didn't change while the GIOA[5] oupout high.

    You probabably need to configure the pinmux (IOMM) module.

  • Thanks very much for you answer.
    But I still have a few questions. Can you tell me how to find the schematics? I have the document named "TMS570LS43x", but I can not find a detailed pin diagram.
  • Ah, the schematics and other information is here:
  • Thank you very much. I have found many useful documents in the link site.