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HETP v1.4 Header File Problems

Getting errors when using HETPv1.4

Building my own het program, call it 'het_pgm.het'

When het_pgm.het is assembled:  c:\ti\NHETAS~1\v1.4\bin\hetp.exe -v2 -n1 -hc32 ..\het_pgm.het

(the '..\' is necessary for CCS building - more on this in another post but it's not related to this issue.)

Ok, so this generates a 'het_pgm.h' and 'het_pgm.c'.  

You need to include 'std_het.h' from the assemblers install directory:  c:\ti\NHETAS~1\v1.4\include

first, before het_pgm.h because het_pgm.h relies on some definitions in std_het.h.


Now, std_het.h defines:





# define

HET_v2 0


This creates a problem when the generated 'het_pgm.h' is processed, because this includes

the definition:   




Which throws an this warning message:

"..\sent.h", line 1: warning: incompatible redefinition of macro "HET_v2" (declared at line 15 of "C:/ti/NHET assembler/v1.4/header/std_het.h")

While this is a 'warning' - the obvious concern is what else may break if 'std_het' is processed thinking HET_v2 is 'off' but the

program is built for HET_v2 'on'.

  • Additional information.

    I tried this workaround, added the #define HET_v2 from het_pgm.h into main.c






















    Still causes a problem.

    The #define HET_v2 as generated in het_pgm with no value, is not compatible with the useage

    in std_het.h where it's looking for a value of 0 or 1..

    Ex line 1129 of std_het.h is #if, not #ifdef...
















       unsigned int  branch_condition : 5 ;





       unsigned int branch_condition : 3 ;




  • Anthony,

    We're looking into this.  Thanks for your information. Our team member who owns the NHET assembler is on vacation and will reply as soon as he's available.

  • Anthony,

    This issue is fixed in Assembler Ver 1.5 beta release which will be released on Jun 11th 2010. 
    I will reply with the downlodable link as soon as available and the steps to use the header file generated by the assembler in the project file.
