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TM4C129x Timer operation

Hi Support team,

I have a customer with the following timer question,  could you advise:

I have a question. I want to have a timer in continuous mode toggling a port at a specified frequency.

However, I’d like to have a 2nd timer change the reload value so that the frequency of the first timer will sweep smoothly without a sudden change in the freq.

If I use ROM_TimerLoadSet then it’s very possible the timer value could change before it counts down to 0 and toggles the port. This can cause the duty cycle of the output to vary in undesirable ways during the transition.

Is there a way to change the reload register without affecting the countdown register?

We are using a Tiva TM4C129x. ROM_TimerLoadSet

Sets the timer load value.



ROM_TimerLoadSet(uint32_t ui32Base,

uint32_t ui32Timer,

uint32_t ui32Value)

ROM Location:

ROM_APITABLE is an array of pointers located at 0x0100.0010.

ROM_TIMERTABLE is an array of pointers located at ROM_APITABLE[11].

ROM_TimerLoadSet is a function pointer located at ROM_TIMERTABLE[14].


ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.

ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to adjust; must be one of TIMER_A, TIMER_B, or

TIMER_BOTH. Only TIMER_A should be used when the timer is configured for full-width


ui32Value is the load value.


This function configures the timer load value; if the timer is running then the value is immediately

loaded into the timer.



