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Tool/software: Linux
Hope this is the right place to post.
I want to create a setup for the Hercules RM48L952 MCU DevBoard on Linux(a Debian32Bit-Box) using the GNU-ARM toolchain with newlib (gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q3 , from ) , HALCoGen 04.06.00 (Project-Settings: RM48L952ZWT ; gcc toolchain) and a Lauterbach Power Debug Interface with a JTAG-CORTEX-A/R cable.
When I compile and link (with -Tsys_link.ld) the generated HALCoGen files to an elf-file and load it onto the hardware (with trace32 using data.load.elf), the entry point _c_int00 is correct. However, stepping forward does not even come to the first function _coreInitRegisters_() in _c_int00() (from sys_startup.c). Leading to a not working startup-routine with no access to the main().
So, my question is:
How should the HALCoGen gcc-files for RM48L952ZWT target be compiled and linked to create a working executable? (Independently from the chosen Debugger to load it onto the board.)
Here is a compile/link example of mine:
arm-none-eabi-gcc -v -fno-use-linker-plugin --verbose --specs=nosys.specs -Wl,--print-map -Wl,--cref -mlittle-endian -march=armv7-r -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -o all_test_arm_elf_gcc.elf -Wl,--start-group -T./startup_RM48L952-ZWT/source/sys_link.ld ./sys_main.o ./startup_RM48L952-ZWT/source/*.S -I./startup_RM48L952-ZWT/include ./startup_RM48L952-ZWT/source/*.o -Wl,--end-group
I know this is probably wrong. A correction with the proper compiler options and linking options would be greatly appreciated.
(As stated above, this is just about the HALCoGen files. For starters I only want to make it to the empty main().)
Also, if what I ask is not possible :
How does the setup from the below mentioned question (RM48x + HalcoGen +Code Composer Studio + GCC toolchain) work?
A short, but detailed guide on how to install and generate executable or where to find such a guide would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Is RM48x + HalcoGen + Code Composer Studio + GCC toolchain supported - Arm-based microcontrollers forum...
Below are the steps to compile the HAlCoGen generated GCC project:
1. Import the HAlCoGen project into CCS6.x
2. Right-click on the project explorer view and go to properties
3. Change the compiler version to GNU v4.9.3 (Linaro)
4. Add the include paths
5. Compile
Hi Richard,
Are you expecting anything particular from HALCoGen? QJ and the other Forum link in your post is good reference.
Sorry for the late reply.
So I looked into the CCS + Halcogen Toolchain + GCC + RM48 Toolchain.
Turns out even with additional Flags (from earlier posts) it won't work.
Lauterbach Debugger let's step to:
/* Work Around for Errata DEVICE#140: ( Only on Rev A silicon)
if (DEVICE_ID_REV == 0x802AAD05U)
mrcmi p15,0x4,r5,c1,c10,0x6
undef 0xF9E08EF8 -> Reroutes to undef interrupt and not out of it.
strvsb r9,[r11],#-0xA85
bicge r5,r12,r9,lsl #0x6
smlabbvc r0,r0,pc,r0
mvnseq r0,#-0x51000000 ; r0,#-1358954496
Also I noticed nERROR LED on when I connect Lauterbach-JTAG to board.
(For connecting Lauterbach to the board I folowed Lauterbach debugger_arm.pdf instructions.)
S4 Reset-Button turns LED off. When giving a "Sys.Up" with Lauterbach nERROR LED turns on again.
Is there any configuration solution I can do in Halcogen or do I need to order a new board?
Hi Prathap,
unfortunately not.
It's a very simple CCS-project. Only imported generated files by HALCoGen 04.06.00 for RM48L952ZWT and GCC toolchain as options. Added include path and that's it.
Btw, I checked the Debugger configuration after previous post. It is definetly loaded with arm assembler (see screenshot Debugger configuration).
To be honest I am at a bliss, as to what is the cause of this behaviour. I only want to step through startup routine to empty sys_main.
Below you can find the whole package of information I can give:
-my general properties, compiler flagsand linker flags
-my Test_GCC project zipped (including HALCoGen sources)
-TRACE32 screen after loading elf onto target
-TRACE32 screen with line that cannot be executed single step
-TRACE32 screen after setting main break point and execute elf (go)-> landed at undef interrupt
-TRACE32 debugger configuration
-debugger_arm.pdf from Lauterbach for Debugger options (just Search options with "Ctrl+F" for detailed information)
Yes, the XDS560v2 should work for JTAG debugging, it will not support the ETM (Trace) as implemented on Cortex-R4F.
Last time (mid last year) I used Lauterbach I had no major issues with it, just usability. I used the Flash Tool they supply as part of the standard installation. I think it was a script which had to be loaded separately, or was there some kind of example configuration, not sure anymore.a
I forgot to mention that I'm a Windows user, so all tests were done using Windows as OS not Linux.
Best Regards,