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Linux/RM48L952: How to compile and link HALCoGen gcc-files with GNU-ARM-Toolchain?

Part Number: RM48L952
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN

Tool/software: Linux

Hope this is the right place to post.

I want to create a setup for the Hercules RM48L952 MCU DevBoard on Linux(a Debian32Bit-Box) using the GNU-ARM toolchain with newlib (gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q3 , from ) , HALCoGen 04.06.00 (Project-Settings: RM48L952ZWT ; gcc toolchain) and a Lauterbach Power Debug Interface with a JTAG-CORTEX-A/R cable.

When I compile and link (with -Tsys_link.ld) the generated HALCoGen files to an elf-file and load it onto the hardware (with trace32 using data.load.elf), the entry point _c_int00 is correct. However, stepping forward  does not even come to the first function _coreInitRegisters_() in _c_int00() (from sys_startup.c). Leading to a not working startup-routine with no access to the main().

So, my question is:

How should the HALCoGen gcc-files for RM48L952ZWT target be compiled and linked to create a working executable? (Independently from the chosen Debugger to load it onto the board.)

Here is a compile/link example of mine:

arm-none-eabi-gcc -v -fno-use-linker-plugin --verbose --specs=nosys.specs -Wl,--print-map -Wl,--cref -mlittle-endian -march=armv7-r -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -o all_test_arm_elf_gcc.elf -Wl,--start-group -T./startup_RM48L952-ZWT/source/sys_link.ld ./sys_main.o ./startup_RM48L952-ZWT/source/*.S -I./startup_RM48L952-ZWT/include ./startup_RM48L952-ZWT/source/*.o -Wl,--end-group

I know this is probably wrong. A correction with the proper compiler options and linking options would be greatly appreciated.

(As stated above, this is just about the HALCoGen files. For starters I only want to make it to the empty main().)

Also, if what I ask is not possible :

How does the setup from the below mentioned question (RM48x + HalcoGen +Code Composer Studio + GCC toolchain) work? 

A short, but detailed guide on how to install and generate executable or where to find such a guide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Is RM48x + HalcoGen + Code Composer Studio + GCC toolchain supported - Arm-based microcontrollers forum...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post, but before I go into deeper details, I just wanna know in general

  • Hello Richard,

    I have forwarded your question to our HAlCoGen expert.

  • Below are the steps to compile the HAlCoGen generated GCC project:

    1. Import the HAlCoGen project into CCS6.x

    2. Right-click on the project explorer view and go to properties

    3. Change the compiler version to GNU v4.9.3 (Linaro)

    4. Add the include paths

    5. Compile



  • Thank you for the short instructions. I will look into it.

  • An additional answer from the HALCoGen expert would be appreciated.
  • Hi Richard,

    Are you expecting anything particular from HALCoGen? QJ and the other Forum link in your post is good reference. 

  • Sorry for the late reply. 

    So I looked into the CCS + Halcogen Toolchain + GCC + RM48 Toolchain.

    Turns out even with additional Flags (from earlier posts) it won't work.

    Lauterbach Debugger let's step to: 

     /* Work Around for Errata DEVICE#140: ( Only on Rev A silicon) 

    if (DEVICE_ID_REV == 0x802AAD05U)
        mrcmi p15,0x4,r5,c1,c10,0x6
        undef 0xF9E08EF8 -> Reroutes to undef interrupt and not out of it.
        strvsb r9,[r11],#-0xA85
        bicge r5,r12,r9,lsl #0x6
        smlabbvc r0,r0,pc,r0
        mvnseq r0,#-0x51000000 ; r0,#-1358954496

    Also  I noticed nERROR LED on when I connect Lauterbach-JTAG to board.

    (For connecting Lauterbach to the board I folowed Lauterbach debugger_arm.pdf instructions.)

    S4 Reset-Button turns LED off. When giving a "Sys.Up" with Lauterbach nERROR LED turns on again.


    Is there any configuration solution I can do in Halcogen or do I need to order a new board?

  • Richard,

    for me the code looks like Thumb2 code which the CPU tries to execute in ARM state.
    Can you please check in which state the CPU is (CPSR T Bit), which instruction set the Lauterbach is disassembling and for which instruction set you are compiling the startup code (should be ARM).

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Richard,
    Is the issue resolved? I can help if you Share the CCS project files. Especially the compiler/linker options you used for the project.
  • Hi Prathap,

    unfortunately not.

    It's a very simple CCS-project. Only imported generated files by HALCoGen 04.06.00 for RM48L952ZWT and GCC toolchain as options. Added include path and that's it.

    Btw, I checked the Debugger configuration after previous post. It is definetly loaded with arm assembler (see screenshot Debugger configuration).

    To be honest I am at a bliss, as to what is the cause of this behaviour. I only want to step through startup routine to empty sys_main.

    Below you can find the whole package of information I can give:

    -my general properties, compiler flagsand  linker flags

    -my Test_GCC project zipped (including HALCoGen sources)

    -TRACE32  screen after loading elf onto target

    -TRACE32 screen with line that cannot be executed single step

    -TRACE32 screen after setting main break point and execute elf (go)-> landed at undef interrupt

    -TRACE32 debugger configuration

    -debugger_arm.pdf from Lauterbach for Debugger options  (just Search options with "Ctrl+F" for detailed information)


  • Richard,

    I loaded the OUT file from your CCS project (7z) with an XDS200 in CCS and it works.
    Here is what CCS is showing as disassembly for _c_init00:

    101 _coreInitRegisters_();
    0001412c: EBFFE9BE bl #0xe82c
    107 _coreInitStackPointer_();
    00014130: EBFFEA00 bl #0xe938
    118 if (DEVICE_ID_REV == 0x802AAD05U)
    00014134: E3E0300F mvn r3, #0xf
    00014138: E5932000 ldr r2, [r3]
    0001413c: E30A3D05 movw r3, #0xad05
    00014140: E348302A movt r3, #0x802a
    00014144: E1520003 cmp r2, r3
    00014148: 1A000000 bne #0x14150
    120 _esmCcmErrorsClear_();
    0001414c: EBFFEA5D bl #0xeac8

    This is about the code I would expect to see and totally different from that Lauterbach is showing.

    Best Regards,
  • Hello Christian,

    ok! I tested my project to see if could reconstruct your code snippet but, failed.

    It really seems Lauterbach does load/interpret the code wrong.

    As for a new debugger:
    At the moment I only have a XDS560v2 Debugger. Could that also work?

    Best Regards,
  • Richard,

    Yes, the XDS560v2 should work for JTAG debugging, it will not support the ETM (Trace) as implemented on Cortex-R4F.
    Last time (mid last year) I used Lauterbach I had no major issues with it, just usability. I used the Flash Tool they supply as part of the standard installation. I think it was a script which had to be loaded separately, or was there some kind of example configuration, not sure anymore.a

    I forgot to mention that I'm a Windows user, so all tests were done using Windows as OS not Linux.

    Best Regards,