#ifndef __CC3200R1M1RGC__ #include <SPI.h> #endif #include <WiFi.h> #include "PubNub.h" #include <aJSON.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <Temboo.h> #include "TembooAccount.h" #include <RF430CL.h> #include <NDEF.h> #include <NDEF_URI.h> #include <NDEF_TXT.h> #define APP_NAME "TFG-2017_MOHAMED RAHALI" #define RF430CL330H_BOOSTERPACK_RESET_PIN 8 #define RF430CL330H_BOOSTERPACK_IRQ_PIN 12 RF430 nfc(RF430CL330H_BOOSTERPACK_RESET_PIN, RF430CL330H_BOOSTERPACK_IRQ_PIN); //****************************************************************************************************************// // RFID/NFC FUNCTION // //****************************************************************************************************************// void RF430CL (void){ Serial.println("Initializing I2C-"); Wire.begin(); Serial.println("Initializing NFC Tag-"); nfc.begin(); Serial.println("Declaring URL object-"); NDEF_URI tiweb("https://freeboard.io/board/yMSkFJ"); Serial.println("Declaring text description for the URL-"); NDEF_TXT tidesc("es", "TFG_2017 REALIZADO POR MOHAMED RAHALI"); Serial.println("Writing URL object to NFC transceiver-"); int ndef_size; // RECORD 0 ndef_size = tiweb.sendTo(nfc, true, false); // This message should set MB, but not ME. Serial.println("Writing Text object to NFC transceiver-"); // RECORD 1 ndef_size += tidesc.sendTo(nfc, false, true); // This message should leave MB cleared, but set ME. Serial.println("Activating NFC transceiver-"); nfc.enable(); // // Serial.println("Printing URL to Serial port-"); // tiweb.printURI(Serial); // Test the NDEF_URI printURI() feature // Serial.println(); // // Serial.println("Printing text description to Serial port-"); // Serial.println(tidesc.getText()); } //------------------------------------- VARIABLES -------------------------------------// double randomDouble(double min, double max, int numCasas){ long _min = min * pow(10, numCasas) + 0.1; long _max = max * pow(10, numCasas) + 0.1; return (double) random(_min, _max) / pow(10, numCasas) ; } double Freq = randomDouble(10.71, 10.79, 2)+1839755.00; double voltage_1 = randomDouble(0.82, 0.88, 2); double temperature = randomDouble(18.30, 20.00, 2); double vol = randomDouble(3.10, 3.29, 2); unsigned long lastConnectionTime = 0; // Last time you connected to the server, in milliseconds boolean lastConnected = false; // State of the connection last time through the main loop const unsigned long postingInterval = 0.001*1000; // Delay between updates to ThingSpeak.com int failedCounter = 0; char buffer[25]; //buffer for float to string // Network Settings char ssid[] = "TP-LINK_4B41C0"; // Network name (SSID) char password[] = "L@F@mili@R@h@li/10"; // Network password int keyIndex = 0; // Network key Index number (needed only for WEP) WiFiServer server(80); WiFiClient client_1; WiFiClient *client; // WiFiClient client; //------------------------------------- floatToString Method -------------------------------------// String floatToString(float x, byte precision = 4) { char tmp[50]; dtostrf(x, 0, precision, tmp); return String(tmp); } //**************************************************************************************************************** // PubNub Credencial & send function //**************************************************************************************************************** const static char pubkey[] = "pub-c-f00e3441-95d8-4d27-a4fb-d03fb4def8ae"; const static char subkey[] = "sub-c-9d695234-13ad-11e7-894d-0619f8945a4f"; const static char channel[] = "Channel-mohamed"; int sn = 0; aJsonObject *createMessage() { aJsonObject *msg = aJson.createObject(); aJsonObject *sender = aJson.createObject(); double Freq = randomDouble(10.71, 10.79, 2)+1839755.00; double voltage_1 = randomDouble(0.82, 0.88, 2); double temperature = randomDouble(18.30, 20.00, 2); double vol = randomDouble(3.10, 3.29, 2); aJson.addStringToObject(sender, "name", "CC3100"); aJson.addItemToObject(msg, "sender", sender); aJson.addNumberToObject(msg, "sn", sn); aJson.addNumberToObject(msg, "FreqTiva", Freq); aJson.addNumberToObject(msg, "VolTiva", voltage_1); aJson.addNumberToObject(msg, "TempNodos", temperature); aJson.addNumberToObject(msg, "voltNodos", vol); sn++; if (sn == 9999) { sn = 0; } return msg; } void dumpMessage(Stream &s, aJsonObject *msg) { int msg_count = aJson.getArraySize(msg); for (int j = 0; j < msg_count; j++) { aJsonObject *item, *sender, *value; s.print("Msg #"); s.println(j, DEC); item = aJson.getArrayItem(msg, j); if (!item) { s.println("item not acquired"); delay(100); return; } /* Below, we parse and dump messages from fellow Arduinos. */ sender = aJson.getObjectItem(item, "sender"); if (!sender) { s.println("sender not acquired"); delay(100); return; } s.println(); } } //***************************************************************************** // WiFiConfig // Configure Wifi settings, connect to the net and create a web server //***************************************************************************** void WifiSettings(void){ Serial.print("Attempting to connect to Network named: "); // attempt to connect to Wifi network Serial.println(ssid); // print the network name (SSID) WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("."); // Print dots while waiting for connection delay(300); } Serial.println("\nYou're connected to the network"); Serial.println("Waiting for an ip address"); while (WiFi.localIP() == INADDR_NONE) { Serial.print("."); // Print dots while we wait for an ip addresss delay(300); } Serial.println("\nIP Address obtained"); printWifiStatus(); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /* CALL-PHONE FUNCTION */ /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ void callphone(void) { TembooChoreo ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo(client_1); // Set Temboo account credentials ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.setAccountName(TEMBOO_ACCOUNT); ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.setAppKeyName(TEMBOO_APP_KEY_NAME); ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.setAppKey(TEMBOO_APP_KEY); // Set Choreo inputs String CallbackURLValue = ""; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("CallbackURL", CallbackURLValue); String APIKeyValue = "7ed8a7a3"; //String APIKeyValue = "9f187a57"; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("APIKey", APIKeyValue); String LanguageValue = "es-mx"; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("Language", LanguageValue); String ByeTextValue = "El valor actual de frecuencia_tiva es de "; ByeTextValue = ByeTextValue + (Freq/1000000) + " MHz. El voltaje_tiva detectado es de " + voltage_1; ByeTextValue = ByeTextValue + ", la temperatura_Nodo1 es" + temperature + ", el voltaje_Nodo1 es" + vol; ByeTextValue = ByeTextValue + ", la temperatura_Nodo2 es" + temperature + ", el voltaje_Nodo2 es" + vol + ". El informe de estado del equipo ha terminado. Hasta pronto."; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("ByeText", ByeTextValue); String TextValue = "CC3100 Remotes Updates. Niveles dentro de rango de seguridad."; TextValue = TextValue + ", . Pulse uno para conocer los valores actuales de los parámetros de medida."; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("Text", TextValue); String FromValue = "Mohamed Rahali"; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("From", FromValue); String ToValue = "34631113994"; //String ToValue = "34659962980"; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("To", ToValue); String FailedTextValue = "Por favor. Pulse uno para conocer valores medios de las últimas 24 horas"; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("FailedText", FailedTextValue); String MaxDigitsValue = "1"; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("MaxDigits", MaxDigitsValue); String PinCodeValue = "1"; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("PinCode", PinCodeValue); String APISecretValue = "aef89c1b5c48e7e1"; //String APISecretValue = "ba44ab82a0996581"; ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.addInput("APISecret", APISecretValue); // Identify the Choreo to run ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.setChoreo("/Library/Nexmo/Voice/ConfirmTextToSpeechPrompt"); // Run the Choreo unsigned int returnCode = ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.run(); // A return code of zero means everything worked if (returnCode == 0) { while (ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.available()) { String name = ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.readStringUntil('\x1F'); name.trim(); ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.find("\x1E"); } } ConfirmTextToSpeechPromptChoreo.close(); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /* SMS FUNCTION */ /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ void SendSMSChoreo (void) { TembooChoreo SendSMSChoreo(client_1); // Invoke the Temboo client SendSMSChoreo.begin(); // Set Temboo account credentials SendSMSChoreo.setAccountName(TEMBOO_ACCOUNT); SendSMSChoreo.setAppKeyName(TEMBOO_APP_KEY_NAME); SendSMSChoreo.setAppKey(TEMBOO_APP_KEY); // Set profile to use for execution SendSMSChoreo.setProfile("SMStwilio"); // Set Choreo inputs String TimeoutValue = "1"; SendSMSChoreo.addInput("Timeout", TimeoutValue); String CallbackIDValue = ""; SendSMSChoreo.addInput("CallbackID", CallbackIDValue); String BodyValue = "CC3100 REMOTE UPDATES. Niveles dentro de rango de seguridad. la frecuencia_Tiva detectada es de"; BodyValue = BodyValue + (Freq/1000000) + "MHz. El Voltaje_Tiva detectado es de" +voltage_1; BodyValue = BodyValue + "V, la temperatura_Nodo1 es" + temperature + "°C, el voltaje_Nodo1 es" + vol; BodyValue = BodyValue + "V, la temperatura_Nodo2 es" + temperature + "°C, el voltaje_Nodo2 es" + vol + "V. El informe de estado ha terminado. Hasta pronto."; SendSMSChoreo.addInput("Body", BodyValue); // Identify the Choreo to run SendSMSChoreo.setChoreo("/Library/Twilio/SMSMessages/SendSMS"); // Run the Choreo; when results are available, print them to serial // 901 time to wait for a Choreo response. Can be edited as needed // USE_SSL input to tell library to use HTTPS SendSMSChoreo.run(901, USE_SSL); while(SendSMSChoreo.available()) { char c = SendSMSChoreo.read(); Serial.print(c); } SendSMSChoreo.close(); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /* GMAIL FUNCTION */ /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ void SendEmail (void){ TembooChoreo SendEmailChoreo(client_1); // Invoke the Temboo client SendEmailChoreo.begin(); // Set Temboo account credentials SendEmailChoreo.setAccountName(TEMBOO_ACCOUNT); SendEmailChoreo.setAppKeyName(TEMBOO_APP_KEY_NAME); SendEmailChoreo.setAppKey(TEMBOO_APP_KEY); // Set Choreo inputs String FromAddressValue = "cc3100updates@gmail.com"; SendEmailChoreo.addInput("FromAddress", FromAddressValue); String UsernameValue = "CC3100Updates"; SendEmailChoreo.addInput("Username", UsernameValue); String ToAddressValue = "medsimorahali@gmail.com"; SendEmailChoreo.addInput("ToAddress", ToAddressValue); String SubjectValue = "CC3100 TFG"; SendEmailChoreo.addInput("Subject", SubjectValue); String MessageBodyValue = "CC3100 REMOTE UPDATES. Niveles dentro de rango de seguridad. la frecuencia_Tiva detectada es de"; MessageBodyValue = MessageBodyValue + (Freq/1000000) + "MHz. El Voltaje_Tiva detectado es de" +voltage_1; MessageBodyValue = MessageBodyValue + "V, la temperatura_Nodo1 es" + temperature + "°C, el voltaje_Nodo1 es" + vol; MessageBodyValue = MessageBodyValue + "V, la temperatura_Nodo2 es" + temperature + "°C, el voltaje_Nodo2 es" + vol + "V. El informe de estado ha terminado. Hasta pronto."; SendEmailChoreo.addInput("MessageBody", MessageBodyValue); String PasswordValue = "jnezwawwhisucjqr"; SendEmailChoreo.addInput("Password", PasswordValue); // Identify the Choreo to run SendEmailChoreo.setChoreo("/Library/Google/Gmail/SendEmail"); // Run the Choreo; when results are available, print them to serial // 901 time to wait for a Choreo response. Can be edited as needed // USE_SSL input to tell library to use HTTPS SendEmailChoreo.run(); while(SendEmailChoreo.available()) { char c = SendEmailChoreo.read(); Serial.print(c); } SendEmailChoreo.close(); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /* Twitter FUNCTION */ /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ void Sendtweets (void){ TembooChoreo StatusesUpdateChoreo(client_1); // Invoke the Temboo client StatusesUpdateChoreo.begin(); // Set Temboo account credentials StatusesUpdateChoreo.setAccountName(TEMBOO_ACCOUNT); StatusesUpdateChoreo.setAppKeyName(TEMBOO_APP_KEY_NAME); StatusesUpdateChoreo.setAppKey(TEMBOO_APP_KEY); // Set Choreo inputs String StatusUpdateValue ="CC3100 REMOTE UPDATES. F-Tiva= "; StatusUpdateValue = StatusUpdateValue + (Freq/1000000)+ " MHz. V-Tiva= " + voltage_1; StatusUpdateValue = StatusUpdateValue + "V, V_Nodo1= " +vol+ "V, t_Nodo1= " +temperature; StatusUpdateValue = StatusUpdateValue + "°C, V_Nodo2= " +vol+ "V, t_Nodo2= " +temperature+ "°C . Hasta pronto."; StatusesUpdateChoreo.addInput("StatusUpdate", StatusUpdateValue); String ConsumerKeyValue = "qCEqTnJi3LRIFDXc5RIPa79Ep"; StatusesUpdateChoreo.addInput("ConsumerKey", ConsumerKeyValue); String AccessTokenValue = "849004987527163904-OZK4Q1ffHQaYXNxVfjcTKuFsXQ6rUav"; StatusesUpdateChoreo.addInput("AccessToken", AccessTokenValue); String ConsumerSecretValue = "n4ALjkC2QW5yAHbhKviInza5FrHgGl6Mw8WiuClK0w0s2oYMgD"; StatusesUpdateChoreo.addInput("ConsumerSecret", ConsumerSecretValue); String AccessTokenSecretValue = "GSLjzTbY3EfHqrl58bCfbKxOKTNSrvQxotyMbI0XjWRzG"; StatusesUpdateChoreo.addInput("AccessTokenSecret", AccessTokenSecretValue); // Identify the Choreo to run StatusesUpdateChoreo.setChoreo("/Library/Twitter/Tweets/StatusesUpdate"); // Run the Choreo; when results are available, print them to serial // 901 time to wait for a Choreo response. Can be edited as needed // USE_SSL input to tell library to use HTTPS StatusesUpdateChoreo.run(901, USE_SSL); while(StatusesUpdateChoreo.available()) { char c = StatusesUpdateChoreo.read(); Serial.print(c); } StatusesUpdateChoreo.close(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // initialize serial communication WifiSettings(); Serial.println("Starting webserver on port 80"); server.begin(); // start the web server on port 80 Serial.println("Webserver started!"); PubNub.begin(pubkey, subkey); Serial.println("PubNub set up"); RF430CL(); } void loop() { // WiFiClient *client; /* Publish */ // Serial.print("publishing a message: "); aJsonObject *msg = createMessage(); char *msgStr = aJson.print(msg); aJson.deleteItem(msg); client = PubNub.publish(channel, msgStr); free(msgStr); // if (!client) { // return; // } int i = 0; WiFiClient client_1 = server.available(); // listen for incoming clients to the Web Server if (client_1) { // if you get a client, Serial.println("new client"); // print a message out the serial port char buffer[150] = { 0 }; // make a buffer to hold incoming data // make a buffer to hold incoming data (GREE_LED) while (client_1.connected()) { // loop while the client's connected if (client_1.available()) { // if there's bytes to read from the client, char c = client_1.read(); // read a byte, then Serial.write(c); // print it out the serial monitor if (c == '\n') { // if the byte is a newline character if (strlen(buffer) == 0 ) { client_1.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); client_1.println("Content-Type: text/html"); client_1.println("Connection: close"); // se cierra la conexión una vez se ha respondido a la peticion client_1.println("\n Refresh: 5"); // se refresca la página automáticamente cada 5 segundos client_1.println(); client_1.println("<p>PROYECTO REALIZADO EN LAS INSTALACIONES DE LA UCLM POR "); client_1.println("\n\n"); client_1.println("<span> <strong> MOHAMED RAHALI </strong> </span><\p>"); client_1.println("\n\n"); client_1.println(); client_1.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>"); client_1.println("<html lang='es'><head><meta charset='UTF-8'><title>"); //client_1.println("<html lang='es'>"); client_1.println("<head>"); client_1.println("<meta charset='UTF-8'>"); //client_1.println("<title>"); client_1.println("SERVICIOS MULTIMEDIA PARA EL CONTROL DE ALERTAS"); client_1.println("<hr>"); client_1.println("</title><link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300|Playfair+Display:400'"); client_1.println("rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/><link rel='stylesheet'"); client_1.println("href='http://static.tumblr.com/pjglohe/2qinf00ga/estilos.min.css'>"); client_1.println("</head><body><div class='page-wrap'><header class='header'>"); client_1.println("<h1><FONT COLOR=FBB233> SERVICIOS MULTIMEDIA PARA EL CONTROL DE ALERTAS </FONT> </h1>"); client_1.println("<hr>"); // mm cuidado h1 client_1.println("<span></H1><FONT COLOR=BLUE><strong><big><big> IoT Web SERVER </big></big></strong></FONT></H1> </span><div class='UCLM'>"); client_1.println("</br>"); client_1.println("<span>Un producto de </span>"); // cuidado aqui es diferente client_1.println("<a href='http://www3.uclm.es/etsii-cr/' target='_blank'>E.T.S.I.I-CR</a></div>"); client_1.println("<div class='Freeboard'><span>Go to </span>"); client_1.println(); // cuidado aqui es diferente client_1.println("<a href='https://freeboard.io/board/yMSkFJ' target='_blank'>Freeboard.io</a></div>"); //client_1.println("<a href='ttp://www.uclm.es/' target='_blank'>"); client_1.println("www.educachip.com"); client_1.println("</a>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("\n\n"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // body Multimedia (SMS, Phone call) client_1.println("</header><section class='content-wrap'><div class='device'>"); //client_1.println("</header>"); client_1.println("<section class='content-wrap'>"); client_1.println("<div class='device'>"); client_1.println("<div class='device-name'><h2>SERVICIO MÓVILES</h2></div><div class='forms'>"); //client_1.println("<div class='device'>"); client_1.println("<div class='device-name'>"); client_1.println("<h2>"); client_1.println("LED VERDE"); client_1.println("</h2>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("<div class='forms'>"); client_1.println("<form onClick=location.href='./Multimedia=1\' class='transition button on'>"); //client_1.println("<form class='transition button on'>"); client_1.println("<input type='button' value='SMS'/>"); client_1.println("</form></div><div class='forms'>"); //client_1.println("</form>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("<div class='forms'>"); client_1.println("<form onClick=location.href='./Multimedia=0\' class='transition button on'>"); //client_1.println("<form class='transition button off'>"); client_1.println("<input type='button' value='LLAMADA'/>"); client_1.println("</form></div></div>"); client_1.println(); // body Email client_1.println("</header><section class='content-wrap'><div class='device'>"); //client_1.println("</header>"); client_1.println("<section class='content-wrap'>"); client_1.println("<div class='device'>"); client_1.println("<div class='device-name'><h2>MAIL</h2><div class='forms'>"); //client_1.println("<div class='device'>"); client_1.println("<div class='device-name'>"); client_1.println("<h2>"); client_1.println("LED VERDE"); client_1.println("</h2>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("<div class='forms'>"); //aqui solo una de las dos, no todo client_1.println("<form onClick=location.href='./Mail=1\' class='transition button on'>"); //client_1.println("<form class='transition button on'>"); client_1.println("<input type='button' value='Gmail'/>"); client_1.println("</form></div><div class='forms'>"); //client_1.println("</form>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("<div class='forms'>"); client_1.println("<form onClick=location.href='https://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox' class='transition button off'>"); //client_1.println("<form class='transition button off'>"); client_1.println("<input type='button' value='Go to Gmail'/>"); client_1.println("</form></div></div>"); client_1.println(); client_1.println("</form></div>"); // Social Media client_1.println("</header><section class='content-wrap'><div class='device'>"); //client_1.println("</header>"); client_1.println("<section class='content-wrap'>"); client_1.println("<div class='device'>"); client_1.println("<div class='device-name'><h2>Social Media</h2><div class='forms'>"); //client_1.println("<div class='device'>"); client_1.println("<div class='device-name'>"); client_1.println("<h2>"); client_1.println("LED VERDE"); client_1.println("</h2>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("<div class='forms'>"); client_1.println("<form onClick=location.href='./Social=1\' class='transition button on'>"); //client_1.println("<form class='transition button on'>"); client_1.println("<input type='button' value='Twitter'/>"); client_1.println("</form></div><div class='forms'>"); //client_1.println("</form>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("<div class='forms'>"); client_1.println("<form onClick=location.href='https://twitter.com/' class='transition button off'>"); //client_1.println("<form class='transition button off'>"); //client_1.println("<a href=https://twitter.com/CC3200_Posts></a>"); //client_1.println("<form class='transition button off'>"); //client_1.println("<a class="w3-btn" href=http://www.w3schools.com>Link Button</a>"); client_1.println("<input type='button' value='Go to Twitter'/>"); //client_1.println("<href=https://twitter.com/CC3200_Posts>"); client_1.println("</form></div></div>"); //client_1.println("</form>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("<div class='forms'>"); client_1.println("</form></div>"); client_1.println("</form></div>"); client_1.println("</form></div>"); client_1.println("</form></div>"); client_1.println("</form></div>"); client_1.println(); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("</form>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("</section>"); client_1.println("</div>"); client_1.println("</body>"); client_1.println("</html>"); // The HTTP response ends with another blank line: client_1.println(); // break out of the while loop: break; } else { // if you got a newline, then clear the buffer: memset(buffer, 0, 150); // memset(buffer2, 0, 150); i = 0; } } else if (c != '\r') { // if you got anything else but a carriage return character, buffer[i++] = c; // add it to the end of the currentLine //buffer2[i++] = c; } // Check to see if the client request was "GET /H" or "GET /L": if (endsWith(buffer, "GET /Multimedia=1" )) { SendSMSChoreo(); Serial.println("\nSMS was sent\n"); } if (endsWith(buffer, "GET /Multimedia=0")) { callphone(); Serial.println("\nPhone call was made"); } if (endsWith(buffer, "GET /Mail=1")) { SendEmail(); Serial.println("\nEmail was sent"); } // if (endsWith(buffer, "GET /Mail=0")) { // // } if (endsWith(buffer, "GET /Social=1")) { Sendtweets(); Serial.println("\nTwitter was updated"); // } // if (endsWith(buffer, "GET /Social=0")) { // // } } } client_1.stop(); // close the connection: Serial.println("client disonnected"); } //------------------------------------- DLP-RF430CL LOOP -------------------------------------// if (nfc.loop()) { if (nfc.wasRead()) { Serial.println("NDEF tag was read!"); } nfc.enable(); } } // //a way to check if one array ends with another array // boolean endsWith(char* inString, char* compString) { int compLength = strlen(compString); int strLength = strlen(inString); //compare the last "compLength" values of the inString int i; for (i = 0; i < compLength; i++) { char a = inString[(strLength - 1) - i]; char b = compString[(compLength - 1) - i]; if (a != b) { return false; } } return true; } //------------------------------------- printWifiStatus FUNCTION -------------------------------------// void printWifiStatus() { Serial.print("SSID: "); // print the SSID of the network you're attached to: Serial.println(WiFi.SSID()); IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP(); // print your WiFi IP address: Serial.print("IP Address: "); Serial.println(ip); long rssi = WiFi.RSSI(); // print the received signal strength: Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):"); Serial.print(rssi); Serial.println(" dBm"); Serial.print("To see this page in action, open a browser to http://"); // print where to go in a browser: Serial.println(ip); }
Hi all, I have a small problem, and it's the following, I'm working on an application of communication protocols, and I have TIVA hardware, CC2530 AIR MODULE, CC3100 for WIFI, I also work with a DLP-RF430CL330H.
Individually work great, but when I put them together, in a code and I mount all the boosterpack (one on top of another), it does not do anything to me, I do not even see the serial port enabled. And nothing works. And that I just copy and paste the fragments into a single code.
Could someone tell me what the problem might be? Is it some incompatibility of the plates? Or is it something of the software (power) I use?
Could I be activating things I should not have with the code?
How could I solve it? I need information or some help, it's urgent.
Thanks in advance.
I use ENEGRIA IDE. V17 . my code is: