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CCS/EK-TM4C1294XL: Analog Signal Reader

Part Number: EK-TM4C1294XL

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I want to read analog data from a sensor in the board. Where can I get examples (CCS examples) regarding this, or is there any tutorial on this? Note that I do not have any booster packs.

  • Multiple code examples appear within: "vendorWare/examples/peripherals/adc".

    In addition - the Search Box - high atop this forum page - invites your entry of keywords - which unleash (many) poster approved examples.

    Your restriction to (CCS examples) is troubling - it is my belief that the C coded examples are intended for any IDE/Compiler - and would be grossly LIMITED if confined to "just one."      (Firm/I have employed vendor & poster examples - w/much success - completely free of "CCS!"  (as we employ a "pro" IDE - IAR...)

    While you ask for (only) "examples" you should consider the (other) usual elements of an AFE.     (Analog Front End)    

    Best ADC results are obtained when the analog signal path is well considered - and properly mated to the MCU's ADC.      (i.e. AFE's output impedance near matches ADC's input impedance)

  • I imported the code in the main file, added compiler and linker includes. But I am getting following errors:-

  • Is "TemperatureSensor" an "official" vendor created/supplied project? And if so - does it properly run when "unaltered?" (i.e. when none of your "addtions" have occurred)

    User created programs are "famed" for (rarely) running - always best to start from a "known good" (i.e. vendor supplied) program - and gradually add your code - piece by piece - to that...)
  • The vendor has only provided a .c file, not the entire project. I replaced the main file from  another project with this file. As you can see, there are no missing libraries. Do you know what I am doing wrong?

  • Can you not - one by one (error) at a time - identify why the "linker" appears "unknowing/blind" to your "imported" variables?
    It appears that - at minimum - your "STDIO()" has not been located.

    Your search of the vendor's EXISTING Code Examples - which encompass the functions you've ADDED - will alert you to proper usage. It may take your search of several vendor projects to encompass ALL of your current "errors" - yet such "one by one" search & repair - will succeed.
  • Hi,
    Can you please add (either copy or make a link to it) the uartstudio.c to your project directory? The UARTprintf() is not a driverlib function so it needs to be compiled. The uartstudio.c is under <TivaWare_installation>\utils.