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TM4C Development with JetBrain CLion IDE

Fellow developers,

I've had positive experience with IAR in the past, and later moved to CCS, which has been my tool for the past 3 years or so.

Not rarely, arguments came up on the forum regarding the choice for IDE's, with reasonable arguments towards more professional choices (namely IAR and KEIL).

My company colleagues "away from the embedded world" use completely different tools. And their platforms of choice for things like Android, Java and others are made by JetBrain. This company has a studio for C as well, called CLion. There are lots of useful features other than just a "nice and more modern interface"...

Has anyone here ever tried to develop for TM4C in such an "external" platform? What would be missing? Out of the hat I'll think the compiler and the debugger? How "crazy" or feasible is an idea like that?



  • Not crazy at all.  I prefer to have a single good editor* for all my languages and compilers coupled with make** for building.


    * I find eclipse to be a bit of a gold plated rube Goldberg apparatus in a strait jacket.

    ** I do keep an eye for other build systems but all I've seen that might be candidates have restrictions that make them less useable

  • (Bruno asked me to respond in this thread because of my post in another thread mentioning the CLion)

    I don't know much about TM4C. In fact I've never used it. However... This document ( says it is an ARM so I don't see any problem with that. ;) Some GNU logos appear there, too.

    I experiment with ARMs using CLion. If you want all its project-management features you need to use CMake. All that it does is to generate makefiles. You can connect here CCS compiler or anything else (just see what it calls when it does the compilation and linking). However, I recommend to use GCC.

    Now, there is no problem with using gdb as a debugger. CLion has some basic integration with gdb and after setting some init values (.gdbinit file) it works quite good. I've tested it with Nucleo F103RB. And despite Ilia Motornyi uses external debugger ( I was able to use CLion's one.

    Please note that it is only experimenting. I never had a chance to use it commercially with big projects.

  • Robert Adsett said:
    * I find eclipse to be a bit of a gold plated rube Goldberg apparatus in a strait jacket.

    Literary agents - across (at least) three continents - jostle for your services!        Rarely do the phrases, "Gold Plated, Rube Goldberg, & Straight Jacket" appear w/in an essay - and "never" do all invade, "One single sentence!      Clearly this registers as among the "Top Five Forum quotes" - ever!

    For those too young to recall - Mr. Goldberg was famed for creating incredibly complex, pictorial diagrams, which (likely) employed "many more steps/sequences than required" - to enable a (fairly) basic operation."    (i.e. a "marble" would be released by a, "trip-wire" - and then traverse multiple guide-rails, direction & elevation changes - before (finally) winding its way thru such maze - and,  "Extinguishing a Candle.")

    For historical accuracy/compliance - this reporter duly notes that, "No gold plates nor straight jackets" - appeared w/in his drawings.      (as those may have "eclipsed" his belief in "indirection.")

    It should be further noted that  his drawings were entirely "KISS-Free" - and such (unwise) anti-KISS methods - have (long) been a hallmark here - adopted by far, "too many!"     (such has (very) occasionally been noted - and protested - by (some) here!)      Hallowed vendor disallows any mention of  "KISS" - thus encouraging Mr. Goldberg's "over-complication"  -  rendering efficient trouble-shooting & diagnosis very nearly, "impossible."

  • Thanks for the literature class and poetry, Robert! Don't want to go off mainstream on this subject and get my development team into all sorts of unnecessary trouble. We'll study the possible restrictions and perhaps give it a try, but that won't happen in less than 2 months.
  • Roger, thanks a lot for replying!
    So a few notes for now if we are to try it:
    - Learn to configure the external compiler, choose between TI's or GCC...
    - Learn to configure debuggers, check about different probes compatibility, confirm features IE step into, out, memory location breakpoints, refresh variables, etc...
    - Confirm that required files (.BIN or other used option) can be easily generated...
    Evaluate other eventual benefits or cons, against the costs...
    Interesting task, not to be started in less than a couple of months from now, however...
  • Bruno Saraiva said:
    Don't want to go off mainstream ... get my development team into all sorts of unnecessary trouble.

    Might the "appearance" of this thread have (already) wandered from the "beaten path?"

    It is assumed that "Necessary trouble" is invited/welcomed - good that...     As to the "development team" - how is your cat doing?     Has that "burned paw" substantially healed - perhaps he/she will "learn" and step "over/around" the HV - next time - during further, "board inspection."