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Part Number: TM4C129ENCPDT

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

We work with CCS 7.2.13 and board TM4C129ENCPDT

After import and compiling tcpEcho_EK_TM4C1294XL_TI example we get the following SRAM memory:

SRAM used:0000ffe8 unused:00030018

We don't need so large buffers in TCP stuck and we reduced transmit&receive buffers size in TCP&UDP module configuration :
 Tcp.transmitBufSize = 512;
Tcp.receiveBufSize = 512;
Udp.receiveBufSize = 1024;

and minimumSendBytes = 1024 in IP configuration:

So new configuration looks:

Global.lowTaskStackSize = 1024;
Global.normTaskStackSize = 1024;
Global.highTaskStackSize = 1024;
Tcp.transmitBufSize = 512;
Tcp.receiveBufSize = 512;
Tcp.receiveBufLimit = 1024;
Ip.socketBufMinTxSize = 1024;
Udp.receiveBufSize = 1024;

But after build the program its SRAM size is not changed.

What is the reason of it? it seems that we did something wrong...
