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TM4C1294NCPDT: interfacing ADS 1220 to Tiva TM4C1294NCPDT

Part Number: TM4C1294NCPDT
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1220, EK-TM4C1294XL


  i want to interface  ADS1220 24bit adc converter to the Tiva Tm4c129 i tried with the example spi code which is there in the tiva board examples by modifying it, but i am unable to get the expected output, can anyone please share the code for the same, i just want write an gpio interrupt handler for DRDY pin so that in that handler i will read the ADC data . i am having ADS1220 breakout board (Proto central).

 Thanks in advance

  • Hi Rupendra,
    We don't have a SPI example interfacing with the external ADC. You might want to search through the e2c forum and see if something that comes close. What is not working? Please monitor SPI interface using the scope. You can refer to the interrupts example in <TivaWare_Installation>\examples\boards\ek-tm4c1294xl\interrupts for gpio interrupt handler.
  • May it be noted that (any) "ADC ... > 16 bits" is likely (very) BIG LEAGUE - and demands "great care & handling!"

    The fact that the "failure is little explained, poster seeks one to "share the code", and then the ISR will be burdened w/"reading 24 bit data" - suggests that (some) element of "over-challenge" lurks...

    Usually it proves best to "overlay the devices "Timing/signal chart" with your MCU's SPI output - and carefully examine where (unwanted) deviations occur. "KISS" is especially important in such cases - there must be careful & methodical, (i.e. measured) movements toward the end goal...