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Compiler: How to setup TM4C123 Bootloader

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

I have a problem about setup bootloader, i don't know about how to setup. i have bootloader file and boot_serial. and use with CCS 7.x.

  • Hello Sornphet,

    I would ask that you start by reading the document which details each example for the TM4C123 LaunchPad (I presume that is what you are using). You can find that document at: [Install Path]\TivaWare_C_Series-\docs\SW-DK-TM4C123G-UG-

    The bootloader firmware examples related to the boot_serial project are covered in Section 2.3 through 2.5.

    If there are further questions you have after reviewing the document, please follow-up on this thread.
  • i see document but i don't understand how to use bootloader folder(D:\ti\tiva-c-master\boot_loader) and boot_serial(D:\ti\tiva-c-master\boards\dk-tm4c123g\boot_serial) via CCS.
  • Hello somphet,

    You don't need to use the bootloader folder you referenced in CCS to use our example projects. You'd only need to link to that folder if you choose to make your own project after you feel ready due to gaining full understanding of our examples.

    The CCS projects you would need are boot_serial, and either one of the boot_demo projects. You need to load the boot_serial example onto your board, and then build a boot_demo project, such as boot_demo1, to acquire a .bin output file you can use to program the device. At this point, you will need a programmer that supports boot loader operations such as the LM Flash Programmer.

    In LM Flash Programmer, you would select the "Manual Configuration" quick set option, and then select interface you want to use (UART, Ethernet, etc.). If done correctly, it will connect to the bootloader through your selected medium. For the final step, you program the generated .bin output using the Program tab.
  • Ok, i can run project(include inc folder and check path SW ROOT) but it show error "AutoRun: Target not run as the symbol "main" is not defined"
  • Hello Somphet,

    Yes that is normal when downloading the bootloader project. You can disregard that message. It isn't even an 'error' per say as those show up in red. It is more of CCS stating that since there is not a main function to start it, CCS isn't trying to automatically run any code. But you can manually force it to run if needed, though you don't really need to as just downloading the bootloader was the goal of that exercise. You will need to disconnect from CCS anyways in order to use the bootloader with LM Flash Programmer.