hi everybody,
i was practicing with the UART1 in my TIVAC TM4C123G , so when i load my program in keil, the board have been proggramed without error's, and i saw the result in a terminal serial, good, but when i .
wanted to load other program in my tivac , keil show me this errors, warnings...
so i can't load programs in my tiva... this is actually setup.
when i was setup UART1 and called function's accidently i made mistakes such as:
void initUART( void ) {
............................. SYSCTL->RCGC1 = 0x02; // uart 1
..............................SYSCTL->RCGC2|=0x04; // port c
..............................GPIOC->AFSEL=0x30; // alter function UART1 PC5 PC4
..............................GPIOC->PCTL=0x220000; // mux function 2 en 5 2 en 4
..............................GPIOC->DEN=0x30; // pin 5 pin4 3 2 1 0
// config de la uart
..............................UART1->CTL&=~0x01; // uart 0ff
// bauds
..............................UART1->IBRD=104; // 9600 baudios 80M 520 16M 104 +0.166666
..............................UART1->FBRD=10; // 9600 baudios 80M 53 16M 10
..............................UART1->LCRH=0x70; // 8 bits normal
..............................UART1->CTL|=0x01; // uart on
int main(void){
............................sprintf(&Buffer[0],"Hello world");
.............................while( 1 ){
...............................................GPIOF->DATA= 0x08;
...............................................GPIOF->DATA= 0x00;
.............................................}// end while loop
}// end main
void writePort(char *Buffer){
.........................while( *Buffer != NULL ){
void putC(char c){
....................while( (UART1->FR & 0x20 ) == 1);
in this lastly condition in the while loop must be **** while( (UART1->FR & 0x20 ) != 0 ); *****
i think that i modified the JTAG debug... ( PORTC )
i have thought in proggraming use LM FLASH programmer but i haven't experience.....
so can someone helpme please ?? thanks