My 1Bit ECC Flash test seems to pass, but it fails 2Bit ECC test using SL_SelfTest_Flash(FLASH_ECC_TEST_MODE_2BIT, 0, &failInfoFlash). In the code segment below the, the condition (BIT(ESM_G3ERR_FMC_UNCORR) == (sl_esmREG->SR1[2] & BIT(ESM_G3ERR_FMC_UNCORR)) evaluates to FALSE and I confirmed that ESM SR1[2] is not set.
When the line flashread = *(volatile uint32 *)flashBadECC2; is executed, bit 7 of the ESR SR3 is set. The ESM SR3[7] is set as soon as I execute flashread = *(volatile uint32 *)flashBadECC2;
Why is ESM SR1[2] being checked instead of ESM SR3[7]? I thought SR1 is for Group 1 error but 2Bit error will trigger a Group 3 error. Can anyone explain what is going on and what I need to check to get my test to pass?
sl_flashWREG->FDIAGCTRL |= F021F_FDIAGCTRL_DIAG_TRIG; /*SAFETYMCUSW 58 S MR:14.3 <APPROVED> Comment_16*/ flashread = *(volatile uint32 *)flashBadECC2; #if defined(_TMS570LS31x_) || defined(_TMS570LS12x_) || defined(_TMS570LS07x_) || defined(_TMS570LS09x_) || defined(_RM48x_) || defined(_RM46x_) || defined(_RM44x_) || defined(_RM42x_) || defined(_TMS570LS04x_) if ((FLASH_ECC_TEST_MODE_2BIT_FAULT_INJECT != testType)&&(FLASH_ADDRESS_ECC_FAULT_INJECT != testType)) #endif #if defined(_TMS570LC43x_) || defined(_RM57Lx_) if (FLASH_ECC_TEST_MODE_2BIT == testType) #endif { #if defined(_TMS570LS31x_) || defined(_TMS570LS12x_) || defined(_TMS570LS07x_) || defined(_TMS570LS09x_) || defined(_RM48x_) || defined(_RM46x_) || defined(_RM44x_) || defined(_RM42x_) || defined(_TMS570LS04x_) /*SAFETYMCUSW 134 S MR: 12.2 <APPROVED> Comment_5*/ /*SAFETYMCUSW 134 S MR: 12.2 <APPROVED> Comment_5*/ /*SAFETYMCUSW 408 S MR:12.4 <APPROVED> Comment_12*/ /*SAFETYMCUSW 96 S MR: 6.2,10.1,10.2,12.1,12.6 <APPROVED> Comment_25*/ if ((F021F_FEDACSTATUS_B1_UNC_ERR == (uint32)(sl_flashWREG->FEDACSTATUS & F021F_FEDACSTATUS_B1_UNC_ERR)) && (sl_flashWREG->FUNCERRADD == (uint32)0x8u) && (BIT(ESM_G3ERR_FMC_UNCORR) == (sl_esmREG->SR1[2] & BIT(ESM_G3ERR_FMC_UNCORR))))