Is it possible to support HTTPS on TM4C1294KCPDT without using RTOS?
All I have seen is HTTP, no HTTPS.
I know Ti Rtos bundle does support HTTPS. but is there any way to implement it on Non OS?
Any help is appreciated.
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Is it possible to support HTTPS on TM4C1294KCPDT without using RTOS?
All I have seen is HTTP, no HTTPS.
I know Ti Rtos bundle does support HTTPS. but is there any way to implement it on Non OS?
Any help is appreciated.
Hi Charles,
Thank you for your response.
I know we don't have any examples on non OS for HTTPS but I wanted to know if it is possible or someone has implemented it?
I have a project which is non OS and if its not possible to support HTTPS then I might have to move the whole project to RTOS based.
So before I spend too much time on it I just want to know if it is possible or not for non OS.