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CCS/CC430F6137: RTC Calender Mode

Part Number: CC430F6137

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Dear Sir,  

             I'm using CC430F6137 IC. I want RTC Calendar mode to use update date and time. already download your example header and source files from this linq ( . I'm using ccs

compiler, when i will call incrementSeconds(); function inside timer interrupt, I will check debug code when reach this line (incrementSeconds();) code s stopped. where is my mistake. how to read Current date and Time

and send via UART. could you please solve my issue sir. 

  • Hi 

    Which demo code do you use?

    Could you share your code?

    How do you generate the 1 second interrupt?

    Best regards


  • Dear Sir, 

           I'm using timer and RTC library files, RTC library files download from  this linq ( bellow code is 1 sec interrupt code. how to read date and time. please send soon sir. 

    #include <msp430.h>
    #include "RTC_Calendar.h"
    #include "RTC.h"

    extern void incrementSeconds(void);

    int main(void)
    setTime( 0x12, 0, 0, 0); // initialize time to 12:00:00 AM
    P1DIR |= 0x01; // P1.0 output
    TA1CCTL0 = CCIE; // CCR0 interrupt enabled
    TA1CCR0 = 32768-1;
    TA1CTL = TASSEL_1 + MC_1 + TACLR; // ACLK, upmode, clear TAR

    __bis_SR_register(GIE); //  enable interrupts
    __no_operation(); // For debugger
    P1OUT ^= 0x01;

    // Timer A0 interrupt service routine
    #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
    #pragma vector=TIMER1_A0_VECTOR
    __interrupt void TIMER1_A0_ISR(void)
    #elif defined(__GNUC__)
    void __attribute__ ((interrupt(TIMER1_A0_VECTOR))) TIMER1_A0_ISR (void)
    #error Compiler not supported!
    // P1OUT ^= 0x01; // Toggle P1.0
    // __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits);