TMS570LC4357 TRM Rev. A Flash chapter slightly describes the prefetch mode. We know how to disable the feature (i.e. by setting FRDCNTL[PFUENB, PFUENA]=0). However, major aspects of that feature are not described:
1) Once prefetch mode disabled, is the prefetch buffer/cache still used when answering reads?
1.1) If so, how can we invalidate it's content to make sure there is no more hits in the Flash buffer/cache?
2) What is the width of a Flash cache line? (in bytes) Same for ports A and B?
3) What is the depth of that Flash cache? TRM § "Address Tag Register Test Mode: DIAGMODE = 5" mentions 2 for port A and 4 for port B.
3.1) How come it is different since each port covers the same amount of data? (2Mb)
4) What is the replacement policy of Flash cache lines? Round-robin?
All these answers should normally have been found in the TRM...