Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2041B
We are developing a industrial product for switching many relays using TM4C129ENCPDT. The TM4C129ENCPDT uses SPI to communicate with some ULN driver ICs that drives the relays.
The TM4C129ENCPDT uC IC is powered by stepping down a 24V regulated dc input supply to 3.3V dc using LM1085ISX-3.3 LDO voltage regulator. For Over Current protection we have used TPS2041B IC in between the LDO and TM4C129ENCPDT uC IC. Please look into the circuit diagram below. The TPS2041B IC limits current as 500mA continuous.
The 3.3V supply of TM4C129ENCPDT IC and the 24V of relay coils have same ground points, since 3.3V is stepped down from the 24V using LDO. The uC IC is programmed to use SPI, UART, Ethernet and GPIO peripheral.
The issue is while operating more relays, the TM4C129ENCPDT got burned.
1. The TPS2041B IC limits current as 500mA continuous. Does 500mA current is enough to burn the uC IC?
2. The 24V input supply to relay coils and 3.3V to uC IC shares the same Ground point. Does this cause the issue?
3. The TM4C129EXL Evaluation board uses TPS73733 IC for Over Current Protection in its schematic. The Current Limit is mentioned as 1A in the data sheet. Is that correct?
4. Is there any other reasons that might have caused the issue?
Noted points:
1. The uC IC consumes 180 mA under normal operating condition.
2. Our application cannot isolate the ground points of the relays and micro controller IC.
3. Since we are using LDO to convert 24V to 3.3V. So 20.7V gets dropped at LDO. And 180 mA is consumed by the uC. So 3.7 Watts of heat will be produced. So the LDO IC is always hot.
Thank You for your time.