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TMS320F240PQ Flashing via XDS510-USB2.0

Would anyone share SDfFash version to flash TMS320F240 with XDS510-USB2.0 using windows SP 32 bit and how to use it? I was able to save .out file through CCS V3.3 from working unit. I have F240 algorithm folder. I'm familiar that  TMS320F240  is no longer in production and it is obsolete but  I can't use newer chip as of circuit design.

  • I have attached the necessary files. I hope your firewall does not block it. I don’t have the SDFlash documentation for F240. I am attaching the doc for LF240xA devices. This is a later generation device and not completely compatible with the F240. However, I hope you are able to glean something useful from the doc. 

    You may be aware that the company that developed the SDFlash tool, Spectrum Digital, is no longer in business and therefore support is non-existent for SDFlash.

    F24x Flash Programming

  • If the previous zip file didn't work, please try this:

  • Hi Hareesh,

    Thank you for your support. My problem is not resolved yet, I can communicate  CCS via xds510-USB with TMS320F240 but can't communicate with SDflash for some reason. I'm just trying to follow Spectrum digital SDFlash FAQ where it says as follow. 


    1.5 ‘Using XDS510USB and SDFlash to program TMS320F240 flash.’

    The TMS320F240 is not officially supported using the XDS510USB JTAG Emulator and SDFlash utility. However, it can be done. It requires additional installation steps than the typical SDFlash and emulator installation. The Installation requirements and steps are as follows:


    • Latest Spectrum Digital C2000 driver installation, version 2.20 or newer. (Includes XDS510USB JTAG Emulator drivers and SDFlash 1.6x)
    • Archived SDFlash version 1.20 installation.

    Installation Process:

    1. Install the latest C2000 driver installation, version 2.20 or newer(install into default path is recommended). The installation can be downloaded from our support webpage at: Run the installation on your computer (installation into default path is recommended). The following will be installed:
      • XDS510USB Drivers and drivers for Code composer Studio C2000.
      • SDConfig configuration and test utility.
      • SDFlash Utility 1.60 or later, but no device specific flash programming algorithms will be included at this time.
    2. Install the old SDFlash version 1.20. The installation can be downloaded from our support website at the following link: SDFlash 1.20. Run the installation on your computer into a different installation path than the driver installation in the previous step. The following will be installed:
      • SDFlash utility version 1.20.
      • Flash programming algorithms for various TI DSP Platforms, including F24x.
    3. There are two things that need to be copied from the SDFlash 1.20 installation path and moved to the SDFlash 1.6x installation path.
      • F240 flashing Algorithms:
        Using Windows Explorer, browse the SDFlash 1.20 install directory you just created. Look in the \SDFlash\algo\c2xx folder. Copy the entire folder named ‘f240’. Now Browse the C2000 driver installation path you have just created. Look in the \specdig\sdflash\myprojects folder. Paste the ‘f240’ folder into this path.
      • Sample SDFlash programming project for F240:
        Browse, once again, to the SDFlash 1.20 path \SDFlash\projects folder. Copy filename ‘Samplef240.sdp’. Then paste it into the SDFlash 1.60 new \specdig\sdflash\myprojects\f240 folder.
    4. Launch SDFlash 1.6x and Open the F240 example project named ‘Samplef240.sdp'(click ‘file—>open project’). Now open the Project Settings(click ‘project—>settings’) and you will see new window appear. The new window has 4 tabs of settings to view. Click on the tab labeled ‘Target’. Change the following:
      • Driver:
        Change the driver path to point to driver name ‘’. It will be located in the c:\ti\drivers folder.
      • Emulator Address/ID:
        Using the drop-down menu, select ‘510’

      Click ‘OK’, then Save the Project. You may consider renaming the project to something like ‘Samplef240_usb.sdp’.


    But I couldn't find SDFlash 1.20 installation achieve  to follow that step. Is that something you can help or is there another software that I can use to flash TMS320F240? with XDS510-USB ? I also tried CCS to load .out file on previously same programmed and it didn't give any error seem like worked fine but I want to make sure after replacing the chip, it works. As you mention in another thread that CCS can't be use to flash TMS320F240. Right?

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

  • But I couldn't find SDFlash 1.20 installation achieve  to follow that step.

    I regret I don't have that version either.

    is there another software that I can use to flash TMS320F240?

    You can use Prg2xx.exe, but I have only used it with the XDS510PP+ debug probe ("emulator"), not with XDS510USB.

    I also tried CCS to load .out file on previously same programmed and it didn't give any error

    You cannot program the F240 flash memory using CCSv3.3 (i.e. you cannot simply "load" code into the flash memory like you load code into RAM). I have only used Prg2xx. Based on the link you sent, it appears SDFlash also works, but one needs to employ a few tricks.

    As you mention in another thread that CCS can't be use to flash TMS320F240. Right?


    If Prg2xx will not work with XDS510USB, you can explore programming through the serial port. However, this requires the serial loader to be present in flash memory.

    Sorry I am unable to help you to the extent I would like to. TI stopped producing this device many years ago. With Spectrum Digital also ceasing operations, there is virtually no support for this device. I have attached everything I have:

  • Thank you for your detail explanation. I have a question on the following thread?

    Were you able to help Christian Schwa? I have exactly same task. 

  • I sent Prg2xx to him but unfortunately never heard back if that resolved his issue. Perhaps you could request friendship from him and understand if/how he was able to program the flash.

  • Yes I already requested, but haven't got respond yet. I also sent you a request for friendship if you like to add me haha. I have some private question. 

  • As mentioned in the private message, I have sent you everything I have.