Part Number: TMS320C2801
I'm trying to migrate two CCS projects from CCS 3.3 to CCS 5.3 (in the road to port the projects from CCS 3.1 to CCS 11.1).
One project was successfully ported and built, but the second one has build errors.
All the errors are 10099-D error “program will not fit into available memory. Run placement with alignment/blocking fails for section “.XXX” size YYY page 1.”
I checked a little and it seems that the real problem reflects in Warning 16002-D “build attribute vendor section TI missing”.
This warning seems to appear because the codegen tools-chain (in CSS 5.3) does not match the library SFO_TI_Build.lib which we are used and located in DSP280x folder.
From what I read (in, we need to replace the old (CSS 3.x) library SFO_TI_Build.lib with SFO_TI_V5.lib.
I didn’t find information on how we can build it or download it (SFO_TI_V5.lib).
The project output type is DSP/BIOS v5.x Application (Executable)
Device family: C2000, Variant: Unknown TMS320C28XX Device
Compiler version: TI v6.10
Output format: legacy COFF
DSP/BIOS version:
The context of the linker command file (DSP281x_Headers_BIOS.cmd):
/* //########################################################################### // // FILE: DSP281x_Headers_BIOS.cmd // // TITLE: DSP281x Peripheral registers linker command file // // DESCRIPTION: // // This file is for use in BIOS applications. // // Linker command file to place the peripheral structures // used within the DSP281x headerfiles into the correct memory // mapped locations. // // This version of the file does not include the PieVectorTable structure. // For non-BIOS applications, please use the DSP281x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd // file which includes the PieVectorTable structure. // //########################################################################### // // Ver | dd mmm yyyy | Who | Description of changes // =====|=============|======|=============================================== // | 05 Mar 2003 | D.A. | Original based on DSP281x v0.58 // 1.00| 11 Sep 2003 | L.H. | Integrated into DSP281x header files // | | | Added missing eCAN file sections // -----|-------------|------|----------------------------------------------- //########################################################################### */ MEMORY { PAGE 0: /* Program Memory */ PAGE 1: /* Data Memory */ DEV_EMU : origin = 0x000880, length = 0x000180 /* device emulation registers */ FLASH_REGS : origin = 0x000A80, length = 0x000060 /* FLASH registers */ CSM : origin = 0x000AE0, length = 0x000010 /* code security module registers */ XINTF : origin = 0x000B20, length = 0x000020 /* external interface registers */ CPU_TIMER0 : origin = 0x000C00, length = 0x000008 /* CPU Timer0 registers (CPU Timer1 and Timer2 are reserved for BIOS)*/ PIE_CTRL : origin = 0x000CE0, length = 0x000020 /* PIE control registers */ ECANA : origin = 0x006000, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN control and status registers */ ECANA_LAM : origin = 0x006040, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN local acceptance masks */ ECANA_MOTS : origin = 0x006080, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN message object time stamps */ ECANA_MOTO : origin = 0x0060C0, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN object time-out registers */ ECANA_MBOX : origin = 0x006100, length = 0x000100 /* eCAN mailboxes */ SYSTEM : origin = 0x007010, length = 0x000020 /* System control registers */ SPIA : origin = 0x007040, length = 0x000010 /* SPI registers */ SCIA : origin = 0x007050, length = 0x000010 /* SCI-A registers */ XINTRUPT : origin = 0x007070, length = 0x000010 /* external interrupt registers */ GPIOMUX : origin = 0x0070C0, length = 0x000020 /* GPIO mux registers */ GPIODAT : origin = 0x0070E0, length = 0x000020 /* GPIO data registers */ ADC : origin = 0x007100, length = 0x000020 /* ADC registers */ EVA : origin = 0x007400, length = 0x000040 /* Event Manager A registers */ EVB : origin = 0x007500, length = 0x000040 /* Event Manager B registers */ SCIB : origin = 0x007750, length = 0x000010 /* SCI-B registers */ MCBSPA : origin = 0x007800, length = 0x000040 /* McBSP registers */ CSM_PWL : origin = 0x3F7FF8, length = 0x000008 /* Part of FLASHA. CSM password locations. */ } SECTIONS { /*** The PIE Vector table is called PIEVECT by DSP/BIOS ***/ PieVectTableFile : > PIEVECT, PAGE = 1, TYPE = DSECT /*** Peripheral Frame 0 Register Structures ***/ DevEmuRegsFile : > DEV_EMU, PAGE = 1 FlashRegsFile : > FLASH_REGS, PAGE = 1 CsmRegsFile : > CSM, PAGE = 1 XintfRegsFile : > XINTF, PAGE = 1 CpuTimer0RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER0, PAGE = 1 PieCtrlRegsFile : > PIE_CTRL, PAGE = 1 /*** Peripheral Frame 1 Register Structures ***/ SysCtrlRegsFile : > SYSTEM, PAGE = 1 SpiaRegsFile : > SPIA, PAGE = 1 SciaRegsFile : > SCIA, PAGE = 1 XIntruptRegsFile : > XINTRUPT, PAGE = 1 GpioMuxRegsFile : > GPIOMUX, PAGE = 1 GpioDataRegsFile : > GPIODAT PAGE = 1 AdcRegsFile : > ADC, PAGE = 1 EvaRegsFile : > EVA, PAGE = 1 EvbRegsFile : > EVB, PAGE = 1 ScibRegsFile : > SCIB, PAGE = 1 McbspaRegsFile : > MCBSPA, PAGE = 1 /*** Peripheral Frame 2 Register Structures ***/ ECanaRegsFile : > ECANA, PAGE = 1 ECanaLAMRegsFile : > ECANA_LAM PAGE = 1 ECanaMboxesFile : > ECANA_MBOX PAGE = 1 ECanaMOTSRegsFile : > ECANA_MOTS PAGE = 1 ECanaMOTORegsFile : > ECANA_MOTO PAGE = 1 /*** Code Security Module Register Structures ***/ CsmPwlFile : > CSM_PWL, PAGE = 1 } /******************* end of file ************************/