I'm getting this error now in code that had been compiling and linking fine. I do not know what changed that would cause this warning. How to I correct this?
Here's the error message when I build. I removed the full paths from the pasted text.
warning #16002-D: build attribute vendor section TI missing in "C:/Documents
'Finished building target: C:/Documents and Settings/.../../../Debug/myproject1.out'
' '
and Settings.../lib/SFO_TI_Build_V5B_fpu.lib<SFO-FMD.obj>": compatibility
cannot be determined
warning #16002-D: build attribute vendor section TI missing in "C:/Documents
and Settings/.../lib/SFO_TI_Build_V5B_fpu.lib<SFO-SME.obj>": compatibility
cannot be determined
Here's the linker version and options:
"C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv5.2/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c2000_6.1.0/bin/cl2000" -v28 -ml -mt --float_support=fpu32 -g --define="_DEBUG" --define="FLASH" --define="LARGE_MODEL" --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --opt_for_speed=0 --asm_listing --obj_directory="