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Requesting a CSV file for the pinout of the 180-Pin ControlCARD Docking Station

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSCNCD28379D, LAUNCHXL-F28379D, SYSCONFIG, TMS320F28379D, C2000WARE

I am trying to use the the Control Card Docking Station and have the schematic for Rev 5 and the pinout but the pinout documentation is in PDF format.  I would like an CSV file of the pinout for this so I can update it for our work.  I am able to output the pinmux from the F28379D syscfg in a CSV format and would like the same for the control card docking station.  In addition our Docking Station board is Rev 6 but I can only find Rev 5 documetnation.

  • Larry,

    I just exported the pdf to excel file.


    Thanks & Regards


  • Thank you for your very quick response!  Do you know if this is true for the Rev 6.0 board?

  • Rev 6.0 board is not available yet, but yes probably it will be same.

  • We have a R6.0 180 pin HSEC Docking Station board.

  • I have a question regarding configuring the pins on the TMDSCNCD28379D controlCard which plugs into the HSEC 180 pin docking station.  If I copy a current syscfg file and create a new project build configuration, when I migrate my F2837xD_337ZWT (launchxl-f28379D) pin configuration there is no choice for the Part number for a 180 pin package.  Should I use the part number F2837xD_176PTP?

  • Larry,

    Here is RevF version.


    I think you will still use F2837xD_337ZWT even though the docking station does not bring all the pins. I will check with SysConfig expert and confirm it.

    With Best Regards,


  • The F2837xD_337ZWT has a pin map A-W by 1-19.  If this is the case how do I map HSEC pin 49 to the F2837xD_337ZWT pin map and change the defintion with the SYSCFG tool?



  • Larry,

    Are you designing your own custom board and utilizing docking-station or you are using TI controlCARD with docking station?

    If you look at pinout table for controlCARD, the MCU pin 'GPIO0' is connected to pin-49 on HSEC.

    On 337 pin-package, GPIO0 is on C8, where as on 176 pin-package, GPIO0 is mapped to pin160.

    In sysconfig tool, when you select device pin-package, it automatically maps the GPIO0 to ball-C8 or ball-160 depending on pin-package we select.

    On docking station, pin49 is PWM1 standard.

    I am not sure if I answer your question or created more confusion. Let me know.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi Santosh, I am using the TI Delfino TMS320F28379D Control Card plugged into the docking station.  So my question still  is in using the SYSCFG tool to produce my board files for this control card MCU, which pin package should I select to configure for this MCU and I think what TI is saying, it doesn't matter using the 337ZWT or the 176PPT in the SYSCFG tool? I don't know which pin-package this card physically has. I don't see it in the documentation.

    Thanks again,


  • Larry,

    TMS320F28379D Control Card  has 337ZWT package. You should pick the pin-package for the target, i.e. 337zwt.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Thank you Santosh. For future use, where can I find which package option any particular micro controller comes with? I know the TMS320F28379D has 3 package options so how can I tell which one it actually has?

    from the data sheet:

    - 337-ball New Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array (nFBGA) [ZWT suffix]

    – 176-pin PowerPADTm Thermally Enhanced LowProfile Quad Flatpack (HLQFP) [PTP suffix]

    – 100-pin PowerPAD Thermally Enhanced Thin Quad Flatpack (HTQFP) [PZP suffix]



  • Larry,

    Datasheet is best place to look for all pin-package information for any device family. I usually look into Device comparison table.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi Santosh.  But how do I know what package is on MY controller? Is there a part number I need to look for on the package or something?

  • Larry,

    The schematics of the controlCARD is provided in C2000Ware SDK. It is located at:


    Thanks & Regards,


  • Thank you for your help.
