I want to fill the memory with ESOP0 and check for code crash scenario.
- To fill SRAM i am using gel option in code composer (Using Gel->Initialize memory map->Fill_F28335_RAM_with_ESOP0).
- To fill FLASH i am using 'fill' option in linker command. Ex: FLASHG : origin = 0x308000, length = 0x008000, fill=0x7625. I am able to fill the Flash uing 'fill' option under Page 0 and it is compiling properly.
- The same way I am able to use 'fill' option for RAM under page 0, but the same i am not able to fill RAM under page 1. Its giving error as shown in below snapshot.
SRAM (RAML4, RAML5, RAML6 and RAML7) under Page 1 (with ERROR)
SRAM (RAML0, RAML1, RAML2 and RAML3) under Page 1 (with NO ERROR)
Simillarly i want to fill other places (Other than RAM and FLASH) like ZONE0, ZONE6, ZONE7A under Page 0. I tried similar to filling Flash under page 0. It compiled, but at that memory i am not able to find 0x7625, still its showing 0xFFFF. Please let me know how to fill at other locations other than RAM and FLASH.
Thanks & Regards