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fill option using command file and Gel options


I want to fill the memory with ESOP0 and check for code crash scenario.

  1. To fill SRAM i am using gel option in code composer (Using Gel->Initialize memory map->Fill_F28335_RAM_with_ESOP0).
  2. To fill FLASH i am using 'fill' option in linker command. Ex: FLASHG      : origin = 0x308000, length = 0x008000, fill=0x7625. I am able to fill the Flash uing 'fill' option under Page 0 and it is compiling properly.
  3. The same way I am able to use 'fill' option for RAM under page 0, but the same i am not able to fill RAM under page 1. Its giving error as shown in below snapshot.

SRAM (RAML4, RAML5, RAML6 and RAML7) under Page 1 (with ERROR)

SRAM (RAML0, RAML1, RAML2 and RAML3) under Page 1 (with NO ERROR)

Simillarly i want to fill other places (Other than RAM and FLASH) like ZONE0, ZONE6, ZONE7A under Page 0. I tried similar to filling Flash under page 0. It compiled, but at that memory i am not able to find 0x7625, still its showing 0xFFFF. Please let me know how to fill at other locations other than RAM and FLASH.

Thanks & Regards







  • Hi,

    Please respond to this mail. If this is not the right forum, please move to appropriate forum.

    Also please let me know how to move the query from one fourm to other forum.

    Thanks & Regards

    Vishnu Beema

  • I cannot see your snapshots. Can you try to sent them again, or place the snapshots in a pdf and attach this file.



  • Hi,

    Please find the snapshots.

    • Through GEL script (Using Gel->Initialize memory map->Fill_F28335_RAM_with_ESOP0) I could able to fill RAM with ESTOP0. Below is the snap shot.


    • Similarly i tried to fill the FLASHH under PAGE 0 with ESTOP0. This is also working fine. Below is the snapshot.  














    • Even the same is working for RAML0 with Pop-up window saying "Warning: Because this program contains initialized RAM data it may run successfully under Code cComposer Studio but not as a standalone system".


    • But for ZONE6 under PAGE0 there is not error, (but a pop-up window with above warning). Still I am not finding any ESTOP0 code at ZONE6 location.



    • Now using same 'fill' option, if i try to fill FLASHB underPAGE1 I am getting several errors. This is applicable even to RAML4, RAML5, RAML6, RAML7 and ZONEB. Below is the snapshot

    warning: specified address lies outside memory map
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range FLASHA
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range CSM_RSVD
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range BEGIN
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range CSM_PWL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range ADC_CAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range OTP
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range IQTABLES
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range IQTABLES2
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range FPUTABLES
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range ROM
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range RESET
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VECTORS
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: DEFAULT memory range overlaps existing memory range VIRTUAL
    error: errors encountered during linking; "./Debug/rtl_test.out" not built

    • But for RAMM0 and RAMM1 under PAGE1 its giving a different error as shown below.

    "error: placement fails for object "$fill000""


    Please let me know why, when i try to fill the ESTOP0 code unde PAGE1, only causing this problem. Also please find the command file. (Rename .txt to .cmd)

    // TI File $Revision: /main/10 $
    // Checkin $Date: July 9, 2008 13:43:56 $
    // FILE: F28335.cmd
    // TITLE: Linker Command File For F28335 Device
    // $TI Release: DSP2833x/DSP2823x C/C++ Header Files V1.31 $
    // $Release Date: August 4, 2009 $
    /* ======================================================
    // For Code Composer Studio V2.2 and later
    // ---------------------------------------
    // In addition to this memory linker command file,

     Thanks & Regards

    Vishnu Beema