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I am having problems with the reception of the SPI. The reception ISR is not triggering after an OVERFLOW.
I am using a Master, sending data continuously in packets of 10 Bytes. I am working with FIFO enhancements enable
and the nesting in the SPI reception is allowed due to there is a control execution with higher priority.
The system is working although I receive some overflows. So, when I receive an RXFFOVF I reset the FIFO, writing 0, 1 to RXFIFORESET
and I am aware some data will be lost, but the master will send it again.
The problem appears after some time working, suddenly the reception ISR is not trigger. If I check the peripheral registers, the OVERFLOW is set and the RXFFST is 16.
As I reset the RXFIFO in the ISR and it is not called anymore, the SPI reception is not recovered.
First, I suspect in the place where I reset and clear the overflow, but I have tried in all the places, any idea on why the ISR stops triggering?
This is the reception code:
// Enabled SPI FIFO registers
SpicRegs.SPIFFTX.all=0xE040; //Enable enhancement, INT disabled, clear Tx INT flag
SpicRegs.SPIFFRX.bit.RXFFIENA = 1; // Rx FIFO INT Enable
SpicRegs.SPIFFRX.bit.RXFFIL = RX_FIFO_LEVEL; // FIFO INT Level buffer
SpicRegs.SPIFFCT.all=0x00; //Without delay
SpicRegs.SPIBRR.all =BAUDRATE; // Baudrate 12.5MHz;
SpicRegs.SPICCR.bit.SPICHAR = WORD_BIT_NUMBER-1; // Set number of bits to transmit or recive
SpicRegs.SPISTS.all=0x0000; // Reset status
SpicRegs.SPIFFRX.bit.RXFIFORESET = 1; // Re-enable RX FIFO
SpicRegs.SPICCR.bit.SPISWRESET=1; // Enable SPI
// SPIC SLAVE **********************************
__interrupt void receiveEpcMessageSpiDrv(void)
uint16_t rxShiftedData;
uint16_t fifoReceived;
uint8_t word;
EINT; // Allow higher priority interrupts.
fifoReceived = SpicRegs.SPIFFRX.bit.RXFFST;
for(word = 0; word < fifoReceived; word++)
//READ RX FIFO data from the SPIRXBUF
rxShiftedData = SpicRegs.SPIRXBUF<<(16-WORD_BIT_NUMBER);
if(circBuffer.validData < CIRC_BUFFER_MAX_LEN)
circBuffer.spiRxBuff[circBuffer.writeBuffP] = rxShiftedData>>(16-WORD_BIT_NUMBER);
circBuffer.writeBuffP = (circBuffer.writeBuffP+1) & (CIRC_BUFFER_MAX_LEN-1);
while(SpicRegs.SPIFFRX.bit.RXFFOVF == 1);
SpicRegs.SPIFFRX.bit.RXFFINTCLR=1; // Clear Interrupt flag
PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all|=PIEACK_GROUP6; // Issue PIE ack
I'm not clear on what you are observing. Are you saying that after an overflow you can clear the RXFFOVF bit by resetting the FIFO, but the receive interrupt never gets called again? Or does your code get stuck waiting for the RXFFOVF to clear?
If it is the former, what is the RX_FIFO_LEVEL you are using? Can you read the contents of the SPIFFRX register after you observe the problem?
If it is the latter, in addition to resetting the FIFO, can you try to clear the RXFFOVF flag by setting SPIFFRX.RXFFOVFCLR?