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TMS320F28379D: How to connect emulator and erase the chip

Part Number: TMS320F28379D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH


I am trying to explore security features in TMS320F28379D. I already programmed some bootloader into device FLASH memory.
Next I programmed OTP registers:
3) Z1- CMPSWD0-3 (I know that password)

How can I connect the emulator and erase the chip using tools like UniFlash or the CCS?

Kind regards,
Piotr Romaniuk

  • Hi,

    In CCS, you can connect and then open OnChip Flash Tool (Tools -> OnChip Flash) and provide correct password in the password GUI field and then should able to erase the flash. Please note that you can not erase the security settings because that is stored in OTP (One Time Programmable) Flash. If you are facing issue with connect phase then you will need to change the BOOTMODE pin setting to WAIT BOOT (refer device TRM to check WAIT BOOT setting) and then try to connect.


    Vivek Singh

  • Hi,

    I have no "OnChip Flash" in menu Tools. The menu is present in debug perspective only. 
    I use CCS

    I cannot connect, and when I try I receive the message:

    How to connect without programming?

    Kind regards,
    Piotr Romaniuk

  • Hi,

    How to connect without programming?

    You need to use TargetConfiguration view and select the correct target configuration file, right click on it and launch it. After launching the target configuration, right click on the CPU target and click on connect. 


    Vivek Singh

  • Hi,

    When I launch the configuration as you instructed it starts fine.
    Unfortunatelly, when I try to connect I have following error:

    Piotr Romaniuk

    I upgraded CCS to v12.

  • Do you have WAIT BOOT mode on the board ?

  • No, I have not. I have no jumpers to change it. I don't know what is set in boot ROM.

    My bootloader in flash is started and it sets up at the beginning of the main():

    *(Uint32 *)0xD00 = 0x0B5A;


    Piotr Romaniuk

  • I found boot pins on the board, I was able to control them. 

    I hold following logic states during power on (they correspond to wait boot mode):

    GPIO72 1
    GPIO84 0

    and the program from BootROM did not start my bootloader (that one in flash memory) but remained in its space at address 0x3FF16A.
    Then I connected to target as you said in CCS. Next in On-Chip Flash tab there was Unlock button.

    Thank you for your help.

    I found in the chip documentation that wait boot should happen if the emulator is connected. Why it was not in my case?
    (I use xds100v3)

    Piotr Romaniuk

  • Hi,

    I found in the chip documentation that wait boot should happen if the emulator is connected. Why it was not in my case?

    Can you please send the snapshot from documentation which has this reference.


    Vivek Singh

  • Hi,

    I have GPIO72 and 84 pulled up, so they are logic ones at power up. This means that GetBootMode/Flash is selected. In the documentation there is a statement:

    So I concluded that connection the emulator is enought to enter wait mode in bootROM.

    Piotr Romaniuk

  • Hi,

    What this says is that when emulator is connected to device (not physical connection but actual connect) and then user want to boot the device (by issuing a soft reset or any other CPU reset), the Get boot mode will default to Wait Boot.

    Now in this case you are not able to connect to device at all so this is not applicable. 

    Hope this is clear.


    Vivek Singh

  • Thank you for information.

    Piotr Romaniuk

  • If there are no further queries on this, please mark this resolved.


    Vivek Singh

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your help.
    Yestarday, I did marked by 'This resolved my issue' your first answer - there was everything about the question. Further discussion were detailes and the help me to understand. I thought about another people when they find the question and what is the main resolution that will be highlighted. 

    Should I mark the last one as well? or close this question some another way?

    Piotr Romaniuk

  • Thank you for the confirmation. I'll close the post.


    Vivek Singh