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TMS320F2811: TMS320F2811

Part Number: TMS320F2811
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-F280049C, C2000WARE, TMS320F2810

Hi There,

Thanks for the post of how to use CCS V3.3 old project in CCS V12.2 with updates on XDAIS folder inclusion in C:/ti directory.

This has solved my problem with old type DSP to make my program to build and generate .out file. Now, I have below queries:

  1. Looking for developing the same program by upgrading to new DSP device under CCS V12.2. How to migrate?
  2. Presently, my existing program developed in CCS V3.3 contains several .c files but it generates a single .out file under Binaries folder. Being a new for CCS, how to develop a CCS program with multiple .c files so that all combined .c files execution will be reflected in single .out file?
  3. Our schematic doesn't contain Debug probe, then how to program without Debug probe since I learned DSP Programming using a Debug probe (using LAUNCHXL-F280049C with XDS 110 debug probe)
  4. CCS V12 shows the folders as Generated Source, Binaries, Includes, CPU1_RAM, device, targetConfgs, .c file
  5. CCS V3.3 shows the folders as Binaries, Includes, awk, crc, Debug, flash, Release, results, .c, .h files
  6. My query is (as beginner) how to migrate from V3.3 to V12.2 with different of folders? How to link each .c file? Any Instruction or User's guide? How to begin?  
  • Hi Venkatesh,

    Looking for developing the same program by upgrading to new DSP device under CCS V12.2. How to migrate?

    Please take a look at this link on migration of Legacy CCS project to Eclipse based CCS.

    Presently, my existing program developed in CCS V3.3 contains several .c files but it generates a single .out file under Binaries folder. Being a new for CCS, how to develop a CCS program with multiple .c files so that all combined .c files execution will be reflected in single .out file?

    Copy all the .c file in the project. By default, it will build all the .c files in the project folder. If there is any .c file in project folder and you do not want to build, select the file, right-click and select 'Exclude from Build'. 

    Our schematic doesn't contain Debug probe, then how to program without Debug probe since I learned DSP Programming using a Debug probe (using LAUNCHXL-F280049C with XDS 110 debug probe)

    You will need to bring the JTAG signals to a header, and then use external debugger to connect. Please refer to controlCARD schematics for details.

    • CCS V12 shows the folders as Generated Source, Binaries, Includes, CPU1_RAM, device, targetConfgs, .c file
    • CCS V3.3 shows the folders as Binaries, Includes, awk, crc, Debug, flash, Release, results, .c, .h files
    • My query is (as beginner) how to migrate from V3.3 to V12.2 with different of folders? How to link each .c file? An

    Yes, follow the migration guide and CCS user's guide. 

    Linking will be done automatically by CCS.

    Regards, Santosh

  • Venkatesh,

    If this is new design, I will highly encourage to pick a device from Gen3 families. These devices have richer support for IPs, they have improved peripherals, cheaper in price and also better support of tool-chains. Please take a look at the C2000 product portfolio and select the device accordingly.

    The header itself is on docking-station, but the signals are router from controlCARD. You can pick controlCARD for your device and then corresponding compatible docking-station. The schematics are available in C2000Ware SDK.

    Regards, Santosh

  • Hi Santosh,

    After going through the suggested documents and in particular below link

    The suggested Summary is as below:


    As shown in the example above, the legacy import wizard is far from perfect. In some cases, it is actually easier to create a new CCS Eclipse project from scratch instead of having to manually try cleaning up the result of the attempted migration by the import wizard. In either case, it is strongly recommended that the person doing the migration has both good expertise about the original project, and good knowledge on both CCSv3.3 and the new CCS Eclipse environments. A person with all this expertise will be able to ensure a successfully migrated project with the least headache/effort.

    Based on above criteria and understanding V3.3 & V12.2 etc in consideration with "the legacy import wizard is far from perfect. In some cases, it is actually easier to create a new CCS Eclipse project from scratch", 

    Looking forward to create a new CCS Eclipse project from scratch using a new DSP Device TMS329F28377S which fits my old DSP TMS320F2810 features.

    Now, my query is:

    1. CCS V12 shows the folders as Generated Source, Binaries, Includes, CPU1_RAM, device, targetConfgs, .c file
    2. CCS V3.3 shows the folders as Binaries, Includes, awk, crc, Debug, flash, Release, results, .c, .h files

    How to crate a Project folder by combining .c, .h, .pp files and creating a new .out as a common file which will combine all alogorithams of several .c files which can be copied into a new Project folder?

    How to begin to get trained, learned to migrate from Old DSP to New DSP with New CCS V12.2? Ready to learn and spend the desired time. 

  • Hi Santosh,

    Below is learned experience/observations while experimenting LAUNCHXL-F280049C

    1. Imported Empty project from c2000/c2000Ware_4_02_00_00/driverlib/f28004x/examples/Emptyproject.......
    2. Copied "led_ex1_blinky.c" build then run. It was Ok as desired.
    3. Copied "led_ex1_blinky.c" with change as void led(void) and changed LED1 to LED2 to make both LED's to blink
    4. Build above 2 individual .c files. No error noticed.
    5. Build the project, no errors noticed.
    6. Run the program but it is accepting only the program where .c file contains void main(void) instruction only.
    7. Tried to Exclude from Build but file containing .c file with void main(void) only accepting.

    Above indicates that in order to build a project and to run it, I need only single .c file containing void main(void) instruction

    Plz guide me where and how to build a project with multiple .c files.


    Is this CCS V12.2 only accepts single .c file only?

  • Venkatesh,

    I am really surprised with the issues you are encountering. Before we dive further, can you send me the build-log from console window?

    Regards, Santosh

  • Santosh,

    PFA Build-log of console window as it where copied from the directory  C:\Users\\workspace_v12\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.ui
    **** Build of configuration Debug for project smadsp ****
    "C:\\ti\\ccs1210\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k -j 4 all -O
    Building file: "../adc.c"
    Invoking: C2000 Compiler
    "C:/ti/ccs1210/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.0.LTS/bin/cl2000" -v28 -ml --include_path="C:/Users/Priti/workspace_v12/smadsp" --include_path="C:/ti/ccs1210/packages/ti/xdais" --include_path="C:/ti/ccs1210/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.0.LTS/include" --define=_DEBUG --define=LARGE_MODEL --define=FILEIO -g --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --quiet --abi=coffabi --list_directory="d:/mts5000/smadsp/Debug" --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="adc.d_raw" --obj_directory="d:/mts5000/smadsp/Debug" "../adc.c"
    Finished building: "../adc.c"
    gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/ti/c2000/cgtools/lib/rts2800_ml.lib', needed by 'all'.
    Building file: "../smadsp.c"
    Invoking: C2000 Compiler
    "C:/ti/ccs1210/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.0.LTS/bin/cl2000" -v28 -ml --include_path="C:/Users/Priti/workspace_v12/smadsp" --include_path="C:/ti/ccs1210/packages/ti/xdais" --include_path="C:/ti/ccs1210/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.0.LTS/include" --define=_DEBUG --define=LARGE_MODEL --define=FILEIO -g --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --quiet --abi=coffabi --list_directory="d:/mts5000/smadsp/Debug" --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="smadsp.d_raw" --obj_directory="d:/mts5000/smadsp/Debug" "../smadsp.c"
    Finished building: "../smadsp.c"
    gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.
    **** Build Finished ****

  • Santosh,

    PFA the screenshot of Project Explorer of my old project after migrating to CCS V12.1 as a part. Also, plz advice on other files DSP281x_Adc.h etc many files. I undertand that these are all TI supplied files. However, now in CCS V12 after learning many videos or tutorials or User's Guide etc nothing is mentioned about these files to be imported and merged in Project Explorer. Also, these files couldn't find in the examples provided in LAUNCHXL-F280049C folders under c2000 ware. Bit confused and in learning process as a beginner. My queries might look stupid but as a beginner plz pardon me.

  • Venkatesh,

    It looks like you are mixing the files for two difference devices. You cannot do that. The register definitions and memory maps, the IP types are different. It will not work.

    In C2000Ware SDK, there are two ways you can program.

    • Bit-Field based examples --> Refer to C:ti/c2000/C2000Ware_4_02_00_00/device_support/f28004x/examples/led
    • DriverLib based examples --> Refer to C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_4_02_00_00/driverlib/f28004x/examples/led

    Please note that it is referring to same device. You cannot mix the devices, otherwise you will encounter lot of issues due to the reasons I mentioned earlier.

    Bit-Field based approach gives you access to bit level control for each register. However DriverLib based approach is preferred. It is set of API, and you just need to call the API. The driverlib/examples illustrates the use of APIs.

    Now coming back to how to port your old example to newer devices. Please check the examples in the driverlib folder. There should a corresponding example which is using DriverLib. Please refer to that example and you can just bring the .c file in your project and it will build.

    Hope it helps you to make progress.

    Regards, Santosh

  • Santosh,

    This is quick feedback without undestanding all details (as a beginner).

    Found dac project "buffdac_ex1_enable.c" from c2000 ware. As it is after connecting to LAUNCHXL_F280049C launchapd, the project build successfully.

    However, after copying a file from my old project dac.c and after copying the relevent .h files as program was demanding such missing .h files. Copied these files in device folder. 

    PFA  build-log from console window with many errors. Again confused and it seems that it is not that easy to  migrate from old CCS to new CCS.

    Plz guide me as a new beginner with readyness to learn everything.
    **** Build of configuration CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM for project ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable ****
    "C:\\ti\\ccs1210\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k -j 8 all -O
    Building file: "../buffdac_ex1_enable.syscfg"
    Invoking: SysConfig
    "C:/ti/ccs1210/ccs/utils/sysconfig_1.15.0/sysconfig_cli.bat" -s "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_4_02_00_00/.metadata/sdk.json" -d "F28004x" --script "C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable/buffdac_ex1_enable.syscfg" -o "syscfg" --package F28004x_100PZ --part F28004x_100PZ --compiler ccs
    Running script...
    Generating Code (buffdac_ex1_enable.syscfg)...
    Writing C:\Users\vtkon\workspace_v12a\ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable\CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM\syscfg\board.c...
    Writing C:\Users\vtkon\workspace_v12a\ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable\CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM\syscfg\board.h...
    Writing C:\Users\vtkon\workspace_v12a\ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable\CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM\syscfg\pinmux.csv...
    Writing C:\Users\vtkon\workspace_v12a\ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable\CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM\syscfg\c2000ware_libraries.cmd.genlibs...
    Writing C:\Users\vtkon\workspace_v12a\ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable\CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM\syscfg\c2000ware_libraries.opt...
    Writing C:\Users\vtkon\workspace_v12a\ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable\CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM\syscfg\c2000ware_libraries.c...
    Writing C:\Users\vtkon\workspace_v12a\ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable\CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM\syscfg\c2000ware_libraries.h...
    Finished building: "../buffdac_ex1_enable.syscfg"

  • Venkatesh,

    "C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable/device/DSP281x_Device.h", line 48: warning #48-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "EINT" (declared at line 75 of "C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\driverlib\f28004x\driverlib\cpu.h")
    "C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable/device/DSP281x_Device.h", line 49: warning #48-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "DINT" (declared at line 82 of "C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\driverlib\f28004x\driverlib\cpu.h")
    "C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable/device/DSP281x_Device.h", line 50: warning #48-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "ERTM" (declared at line 89 of "C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\driverlib\f28004x\driverlib\cpu.h")
    "C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable/device/DSP281x_Device.h", line 51: warning #48-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "DRTM" (declared at line 96 of "C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\driverlib\f28004x\driverlib\cpu.h")
    "C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable/device/DSP281x_Device.h", line 52: warning #48-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "EALLOW" (declared at line 104 of "C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\driverlib\f28004x\driverlib\cpu.h")
    "C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable/device/DSP281x_Device.h", line 53: warning #48-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "EDIS" (declared at line 115 of "C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\driverlib\f28004x\driverlib\cpu.h")
    "C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex2_buffdac_ex1_enable/device/DSP281x_Device.h", line 54: warning #48-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "ESTOP0" (declared at line 125 of "C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\driverlib\f28004x\driverlib\cpu.h")

    Looks like you did not read my last post thoroughly. You copied the file from old device. You cannot mix the device specific files from two different devices. You need to use the device specific file for f28004x.


    Why do you need to include this? Did you not find DriverLib function? 

    Regards, Santosh

  • Santosh,

    After doing "Add Files" f28004x_device.h in project directory, PFA log_Build frpm console window
    **** Build of configuration CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM for project ex3_buffdac_ex1_enable ****
    "C:\\ti\\ccs1210\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k -j 8 all -O
    Building file: "../dac.c"
    Invoking: C2000 Compiler
    "C:/ti/ccs1210/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.0.LTS/bin/cl2000" -v28 -ml -mt --cla_support=cla2 --float_support=fpu32 --tmu_support=tmu0 --vcu_support=vcu0 -Ooff --include_path="C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex3_buffdac_ex1_enable" --include_path="C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_4_02_00_00" --include_path="C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex3_buffdac_ex1_enable/device" --include_path="C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_4_02_00_00/driverlib/f28004x/driverlib" --include_path="C:/ti/ccs1210/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.0.LTS/include" --define=DEBUG --define=_LAUNCHXL_F280049C --diag_suppress=10063 --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --gen_func_subsections=on --abi=eabi --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="dac.d_raw" --include_path="C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex3_buffdac_ex1_enable/CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM/syscfg" --cmd_file="syscfg/c2000ware_libraries.opt" "../dac.c"
    >> Compilation failure recipe for target 'dac.obj' failed
    "../dac.c", line 12: fatal error #1965: cannot open source file "smadsp.h"
    1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "../dac.c".
    Compilation terminated.
    gmake: *** [dac.obj] Error 1
    gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.
    **** Build Finished ****

    Associated screenshot of Project Explorer is as below

  • Venkatesh,

    You are still using the files from old devices. You will need to manually port it the functions. Look at the functions, and then check corresponding DriverLib API. You cannot directly copy those old device files. This is something you will need to go through.

    Regards, Santosh

  • Santosh,

    Still as a beginner (I might be taking your more time but learning is improving), Add Files used to copy files from C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\device_support\f28004x\headers\include   and   C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\device_support\f28004x\headers\source  and C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\device_support\f28004x\common\include  and  C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\device_support\f28004x\common\source    

    Now, I am getting most of the errors as 

    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 110: error #20: identifier "UPSAMPLING_RATIO" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 130: error #20: identifier "GpioMuxRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 133: error #20: identifier "SysCtrlRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 135: error #20: identifier "PieVectTable" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 141: error #20: identifier "McbspaRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 192: error #20: identifier "PieCtrlRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 192: error #20: identifier "M_INT4" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 194: error #20: identifier "M_INT2" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 223: error #20: identifier "McbspaRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 232: error #20: identifier "EvaRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 236: error #20: identifier "GpioDataRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 240: error #20: identifier "EvaRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 246: error #20: identifier "BIT7" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 249: error #20: identifier "PieCtrlRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 249: error #20: identifier "PIEACK_GROUP2" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 257: error #20: identifier "EvaRegs" is undefined

     Most of them are related to REGS...... These are defined in my old dac.c and the step by step functions were copied to new "buffdac_ex1_enable.c" 

    In my old projects 'DSP281x_Ev.h" file "struct EVA_REGS" were defined as shown in screenshot as attached.

    Now, query....... How to define these REGS of several errors in new project? Where to define? What is the process? (I know after learning I can catch with lot of document readings and experience, but at this stage it might be looking a stupity but I need your guidance to learn more effectively, Plz help and support. Looks that we are going in proper direction to solve the issues. Many Thanks for your systematic help to a beginner like me.

    Now, I got the answer for my previous question about DSP281x_....... files inclusion in my old project. Now, I know how to add such files in my project directory of a specific device. Great structure and helping. Thanks a lot !!
    **** Build of configuration CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM for project ex3_buffdac_ex1_enable ****
    "C:\\ti\\ccs1210\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k -j 8 buffdac_ex1_enable.obj -O
    Building file: "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c"
    Invoking: C2000 Compiler
    "C:/ti/ccs1210/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.0.LTS/bin/cl2000" -v28 -ml -mt --cla_support=cla2 --float_support=fpu32 --tmu_support=tmu0 --vcu_support=vcu0 -Ooff --include_path="C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex3_buffdac_ex1_enable" --include_path="C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_4_02_00_00" --include_path="C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex3_buffdac_ex1_enable/device" --include_path="C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_4_02_00_00/driverlib/f28004x/driverlib" --include_path="C:/ti/ccs1210/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.0.LTS/include" --define=DEBUG --define=_LAUNCHXL_F280049C --diag_suppress=10063 --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --gen_func_subsections=on --abi=eabi --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="buffdac_ex1_enable.d_raw" --include_path="C:/Users/vtkon/workspace_v12a/ex3_buffdac_ex1_enable/CPU1_LAUNCHXL_RAM/syscfg" --cmd_file="syscfg/c2000ware_libraries.opt" "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c"
    >> Compilation failure recipe for target 'buffdac_ex1_enable.obj' failed
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 110: error #20: identifier "UPSAMPLING_RATIO" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 130: error #20: identifier "GpioMuxRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 133: error #20: identifier "SysCtrlRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 135: error #20: identifier "PieVectTable" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 141: error #20: identifier "McbspaRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 192: error #20: identifier "PieCtrlRegs" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 192: error #20: identifier "M_INT4" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 194: error #20: identifier "M_INT2" is undefined
    "../buffdac_ex1_enable.c", line 223: error #20: identifier "McbspaRegs" is undefined

  • Venkatesh,

    Please import bitfield based example and then check how the code is using the registers and bits. If you closely in the example, you should be able to figure out how the registers are included in the project.

    • Bit-Field based examples --> Refer to C:ti/c2000/C2000Ware_4_02_00_00/device_support/f28004x/examples/led

    I have mentioned to you before, but I want to reiterate again. 

    It will be good to get started with DriverLib example. Start with the example which is closest to your end-application and add a function (you can add new C file). You you can look into the header file for the IP like (dac, adc, epmw). Do not just copy the header files and c files and then build. Just include #include <header file>, everything should be in path.

    You can take a look at this page for the documentations we have. 



  • Santosh,

    I am very sorry for not responding to you with feedback since my father expired and I am on leave.

    I will study all the material which link shared by you and get back to you for difficulties, if any.

    Be bear with me.



  • Venkatesh,

    I am so sorry for the loss, praying for his rest in peace. Please take care of your family.

    I will close this thread, and when you go through all the details and have further questions, please create new thread and we will make sure you get help you need to make progress in your project.

    With Best Regards, Santosh

  • Santosh,

    Thanks for your kind consideration.
