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TMS320F280025: DCSM's ECSL issue

Part Number: TMS320F280025

Hi Team,

1. This snap shot explains why the device need WAIT boot mode in some situation, my confusion comes from the highlight content:

(spruin7b_TMS320F28002x Real-Time Microcontrollers Technical Reference Manual (Rev. B) P124 Emulation Code Security Logic (ECSL))

I cannot understand the 'instruction' that executed. If we don't press the RUN button in CCS debug view, the program will not running. Even if some instructions execute before, do these correspond with the secured zone?

2. In P135 C Code Example to Disable ECSL for C28x-Zone1, there gives a code example of disable ECSL:

What is the location that these code should be place?


Thanks & Regards


  • Hi Yale,

    I believe if you boot from FLASH and not use wait boot mode, the CPU will begin executing instructions on power-up. Connecting an emulator will then reset the device to begin at the beginning of the application code. If a debugger is connected when secure resources are being accessed then the ECSL trip will occur.

    The code excerpt you shared may be needed in the .gel file, I will confirm this with our other DCSM experts.

    Thank you,


  • As Luke explained, on power-up, CPU will start executing the code and as part of the connect process, CCS will try to halt the CPU and that time if PC points to secure memory region then ECSL will terminate the CCS connect process. 

    The code is just for reference which user can have in their application and implement it in different way. E.g. you can have a specific interrupt (external) and in that ISR you can unlock the ECSL so when you want to connect, generate that interrupt and then connect. There can be other such methods. Best option is to have device boot in WAIT Boot and then after connecting to CCS unlock the ECSL by writing correct 64bit passwords into DCSM KEY0/KEY1 register via CCS register view and then run the code. Hope it is clear.


    Vivek Singh