I have been exploring the DCSM security with the dcsm_ex1_secure_memory_partition and dcsm_security_tool examples. In a first I succeeded to advance the LINKPOINTER values to iterate to a new zone and flip more bits on the Z1OTP_CSMPSWD.
As next step to test the DCSM feature, I attempted to advance the link pointer once more by updating the current linkpointer value in the with the dcsm_security_tool.syscfg mechanism (00003FFE to 00003FFC) . The dcsm,asm file generated seem to be quite alright to achieve that goal. Yet when starting to debug so that the program is loaded on CPU1 I encounter a data verification error. A related post in the forum on the data verification problem seems to suggest that the memory is inaccessible.
Would you be able to point me to things to verify when this error info is presented on the console:
Please advise on other files that might be useful to attach to this post.
Best regards,