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TMS320F28335: Regarding the HRPWM configuration of the TMS320F28335, is it feasible to configure CMPA to 0 and control duty cycle only with CMPAHR? How much bandwidth can an oscilloscope accurately sample to the edge of a MEP step size of 150ps? The distor

Part Number: TMS320F28335


I encountered such a problem when configuring HRPWM with the TMS320F28335 series chip. The configuration code is as follows:

// ePWM6 register configuration with HRPWM
// ePWM6A toggle high/low with MEP control on falling edge
EPwm6Regs.TBCTL.bit.PRDLD = TB_IMMEDIATE; // set Immediate load
EPwm6Regs.TBPRD = period-1;
EPwm6Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA = 0;// set duty control only by CMPAHR
EPwm6Regs.CMPA.half.CMPAHR = (255<< 8); // initialize HRPWM extension
EPwm6Regs.TBPHS.all = 0;
EPwm6Regs.TBCTR = 0;

EPwm6Regs.TBCTL.bit.CTRMODE = TB_COUNT_DOWN;//count down mode
EPwm6Regs.TBCTL.bit.PHSEN = TB_DISABLE; // ePWM6 is the Master


EPwm6Regs.AQCTLA.bit.ZRO = AQ_CLEAR; // PWM toggle high/low
EPwm6Regs.AQCTLA.bit.CAD = AQ_SET;
//EPwm6Regs.AQCTLB.bit.PRD = AQ_CLEAR;
//EPwm6Regs.AQCTLB.bit.CBU = AQ_CLEAR;

EPwm6Regs.HRCNFG.all = 0x0;
EPwm6Regs.HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE = HR_REP; // MEP control on raising edge

In the main function, I configure SYSCLKOUT=150MHz and TBCLK=150MHz, and pass 15 as the period parameter into the HRPWM6_Config(period) function, so the generated PWM frequency is 15MHz. Now I just want to control the duty cycle with CMPAHR, so configure CMPA to 0, while CMPAHR=255, when CTR = CAD, the output is set, and when CTR = ZRO, the output is clear, MEP of TMS320F28335 =150ps, so the pulse width of the generated PWM should be 255x150ps = 38.25, but I can't see such PWM output on the oscilloscope. I would like to ask if it is possible to control the duty cycle of PWM by using CMPAHR only. In other words, can CMPA be configured to 0 in high-precision mode

At the same time, in order to avoid the limitation in HRPWM mode, the count mode is configured as COUNT_DOWN, and MEP is used to control the output rising edge REP, as shown in the following figure:

According to this document, it is possible to achieve high-precision PWM output by configuring the rising edge REP with MEP when the count is approaching 0, so I wonder if it is possible to configure CMPA to 0, in other words, when CMPA=0, is the MEP technology of HRPWM mode still available?

If I want to see an MEP edge, how much bandwidth do I need to use the oscilloscope? Moreover, I found during the configuration that when the PWM output is 30MHz 50% duty cycle, the PWM waveform output from GPIO is close to the sine wave after oscilloscope sampling (the oscilloscope bandwidth is 200MHz), and when the PWM frequency is reduced to 15MHz, the waveform is relatively distorted, as shown in the following figure:

  • Hello Runhao, 

    I'm a bit confused on what you are trying to accomplish with your signal - are you trying to have a PWM pulse that lasts one TBCLK (or shorter) - keep in mind CMPAHR would be ~1 TBCLK? This would not be achievable with such a low CMPA value since HR settings cannot be applied for the first 3 TBCLK cycles. In general, it is not recommended you set CMPA = 0 as it's a big issue if you are also trying to shadow load on CTR = 0. Could you clarify what PWM signal you are trying to produce and perhaps why?

    In terms of viewing the signal, the MEP steps of HRPWM are on the order of picoseconds (typically around 150ps), so if you wanted to be able to have that fine of resolution to view MEP steps in viewing it, your scope would have to be able to zoom in to view at least hundreds of picoseconds. 

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Allison,

    Instead of placing MEP edges in the first three TBCLKS, I adopted an immediate loading mode of down counting. In the last TBCLK cycle, the CMPAHR was configured as 255 and the CMPA was configured as 0 to adjust the rising edge of the PWM to be output, thus achieving a duty cycle less than one TBCLK or even shorter. What is described in the documentation is that the first three TBCLKS in up-count mode cannot use MEP to achieve high resolution, but if you want to achieve it, you can use down count.In other words, can I use the TMS320F28335 chip to produce a PWM waveform with only one MEP step duty cycle?

    The document description is as follows:

  • Hi Runhao,

    Please allow for another day for me to look this over and get back to you with some more concrete answers. I appreciate the patience!

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Allison,

    Thank you for your attention to the questions I raised, and I will patiently wait for your further answers !

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Runhao,

    Thanks for your patience. I noticed that you are trying to generate a 30MHz EPWM, but the max GPIO toggling frequency is 25MHz, so I would recommend decreasing EPWM frequency to meet the specification requirements of the datasheet. Is there a reason why you are trying to generate a such a high frequency PWM? 

    I also double checked and you are correct that this minimum duty cycle limitation does not apply to down-count mode. You should be sure that CMPAHR is not 0 in this case.

    Another note: I would recommend at least a 500MHz scope to be able to view HR signals.

    Best Regards,
