Hi, I am currently in a process of designing DC/DC stage similar to TIDM-02002, while I have mostly figured out the resonant tank design thanks to documents and research provided by TI, I am currently having some setbacks finalizing the design.
As far as I understand rogowski's coil on the primary which measures "IPRIM_TANK_2" is optional as it basically duplicates "IPRIM_TANK" when it comes to synchronous rectification in the reverse direction. And should only be implemented if "IPRIM_TANK" shunt is not used to improve efficiency. Considering 0.6W loss at max power on "IPRIM_TANK" shunt I decided to skip rogowski's coil on primary for now.
The secondary is a whole different story as due to low output voltage I have RMS currents of ~90A (both in calculation and in simulation), I tried avoiding rogowski's coil solution as to not complicate the design but it seems like 1MHz current transformers go only up to 40A, and losses when using shunt solution are not really acceptable. I did find the document in hardware folder that was used for rogowski's coil design but it has very little on design steps taken to design the coil. I have looked up different manufacturers and their solutions for rogowski's coil but many seem to be designed for lower frequency measurements. Is there any reference material or research that was used when designing rogowski's coil for TIDA-02002 that you could provide? anything would be helpful.