TMS320F28388D: How to configure CPU TIMER0 registers in CM ?

Part Number: TMS320F28388D


Hi experts

I need to set CPU Timer0 in CM like following code.

    CPUTimer_setPeriod( CPUTIMER0_BASE, 2500);  /* 2,500clk = 20,000 ns */
    CPUTimer_clearOverflowFlag( CPUTIMER0_BASE);
    CPUTimer_stopTimer( CPUTIMER0_BASE);
    Interrupt_setPriority( INT_TIMER0, 1);
    Interrupt_registerHandler( INT_TIMER0, Timer0IntHandler);
    Interrupt_enable( INT_TIMER0);
    CPUTimer_startTimer( CPUTIMER0_BASE);
    CPUTimer_enableInterrupt( CPUTIMER0_BASE);

However CPU Timer 0 registers are not enabled to configure.

It might be to block to write.

These registers have write protection in CM.

But I do not find a wait to unlock a protection in a technical document .

Could you please let us know how to unlock protect ?

Best regards,
