Hi experts,
Good day! I am asking for customer.
1. For 28379, what's the content of vector which is showed in datasheet?
2. For 28p65, what's content of default vector?
3. For this flashapi function, if there is some method to exit this function compulsorily if it's stuck in this function?
Could you help to check these issues? Thanks!
Best Regards
Hi Kita,
Thank you for posting. Please allow me some time to gather the information required for items 1 and 2.
Rajeshwary Nitin Bongirwar , can you please assist with item 3?
Best Regards,
Hi Kita,
Fapi_checkFsmForReady() function checks if flash state machine has completed an erase or program operation or not. Could you please call ClearFSMStatus(); function before issuing programming command?
Hi Rajeshwary,
The customer wants to know:
1. Is it possible that CPU stuck in {Fapi_CheckFsmForReady()!= Fapi_Status_FsmReady} and can't exit?
2. if there is some method to exit this function compulsorily if it's stuck in this function Fapi_CheckFsmForReady()?
Best Regards
Hi Kita,
This should not happen normally it comes out of the while loop. Is the user trying to read and write from the same bank?
If not, then user can implement timeout as specified in the datasheet. Please note that if FSM is busy then users next erase or program command will fail.
Did you tried to call ClearFSMStatus(); function?
Hi Marlyn,
Could you provide update of question 1&2?
Best Regards
Hi Kita,
I am still checking with our internal team. I will let you know as soon as I get a response.
Best Regards,