I am trying to modify this code for closed loop peak current mode operation of the four switch buck boost converter,
To clarify, do you want the PWM outputs to go high when tripped? This can be done by configuring the TZA and TZB bits (to configure the outputs of EPWMxA and EPWMxB when a trip condition is met). You can configure both channels to go low upon a trip condition.
To configure this for several PWM modules, you just need to apply the same initializations for each EPWM module (e.g. EPWM1, EPWM2, etc). Please refer to the below resources to learn about how our EPWM works and how to configure them. We have several intro to EPWM videos/documentation/examples to refer to:
Best Regards,
hi ,i have resolved the pwm issue but this sample code is working in the one shot trip whenever i try to change it into cycle by cycle operation pwms are not triggered by the trip signal
Glad to hear you have it working. What is the trip condition? Is the condition cleared on the next PWM cycle? Or is the condition always present? Can you please check the CBC flags to see if they are getting cleared when the condition is no longer present?
Best Regards,