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F28M35x eCAP problem

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE


In my application i am using the six eCAP peripheral with the same configuration to capture PWM

Five works perfectly but eCAP 5 doesn't work.

Here is the problem :

I am using eCAP 5 by the GPBMUX2 on the pin 48 with these configurations

GpioCtrlRegs.GPBMUX2.bit.GPIO48 = 1;

GpioTripRegs.GPTRIP11SEL.bit.GPTRIP11SEL = 48;

the TSCTR counter well increment but the flag (ECFLG)  and the CAP1 - 4 registers seems to be not working.

I precise that when i am using eCAP5 with GPAMUX1 on the pin 3 it works very well and some of my other working eCAP peripheral are on the MUX2 too

I guess that i have the problem because my GPIO48 is not linked to my eCAP5 peripheral.

Did i forgot some configuration register or something like that ?

Is there a specific configuration in the M3 core to select ? I use the setup_m3 example provide with the C28 example.


Thanks in advance for your help





  • Adrien,

    Are you using this on a controlCARD?  Can you just try toggling GPIO48 (in GPIO mode on the mux) from the C28x to verify all of your configurations for the IO?


  • Kris,

    yes i am using the controlCARD with the docking station.

    I think that you have find the problem because my GPIO48 doesn't toggle.

     I also tried with another, the GPIO22 which toggle with the same code.

    Do you have an idea where my problem come from ?



  • Adrien,

    First thing to check would be to see if GPIO48 actually comes out on the docking station.  Not all GPIOs do on Concerto because there are so many of them relative to what we can pinout on the docking station.  There is also a chance you need to set one of the jumpers on the controlCARD to bring it out as well.  You can verify this in the schematics which I believe are in controlSUITE.


  • Kris,

    Well I check the DIMM-100 connector on the USBDocking station schematic file and it is written that GPIO-48 is on the pin 30 but on the control card schematic the DIMM-100 pin30 is connected to C28_GPIO40.

    It is annoying because I built my conception with the USBDocking station schematic file.

    Is there a mistake in the documentation ?

    I also checked the jumpers and the switchs of the controlCard and none of them is connected to GPIO_48.



  • Adrien,

    The GPIO indicated on the docking station schematics is only guaranteed to be 100% compatible with our Delfino devices (when the station was originally developed).  We have tried to maintain compatibility as much as possible, but in the end we want to have the most functionality possible.  This does lead to mismatches such as you see here with Concerto.  Whatever signal you see indicated by the controlCARD schematic will be propagated to the corresponding pin, in this case C28_GPIO40.

    EDIT:  I believe if you are using the eCAP in CAP mode (not APWM) you can use any other GPIO you have available for the eCAP.  Just set the GPTRIPSEL to the appropriate GPIO.


  • Kris,

    Thanks a lot for your answers.

    I will change the routing plan of my connection card and it will be ok.

    Unfortunately I can't use the C28_GPIO40 as an eCAP because I use the Ethernet and the GPIO40 is connected to the MII_RXD2.

